Morris Zapp

Thing is I found myself wanting to see the movie described above.

This is funny and interesting to me. I have a blue-eyed dog and during walks we are routinely stopped by folks drooling over her. Now I want to meet someone who is freaked.

B-but self-driving cars are coming. Every corporate media tech reporter in the country told me so in 2015! And 2016 ...

Thank you. I knew I had heard about this case, years ago, on a podcast. But I couldn’t remember which.

“House of Pain” for me.

Unfortunately it’s highly unlikely that anything of consequence will happen that hasn’t already happened.

Tesla should be seized by the government and have every one of its killing machines immobilized until they behave more like vehicles drivers are used to. And their “self-driving” bullshit is eliminated completely.

Had a Kicks as a rental recently. You could plop that car down in 1993 and no one would look twice.

Not to mention the exploitation of desperate people working shit jobs to keep their families fed and housed while rarely being home themselves.

And the fact that it doesn’t means the whole thing is bullshit. Distraction is either encouraged or it isn’t. This is U.S. DOT demonstrating its uselessness, per usual.

Dang. It has never occurred to me that there might be homes with actual driveways in the city.

But as Night Swim rounds third and makes the turn for home, it starts to struggle to keep its head above the water.”

Still there.

Is there no alternate side parking where you are? Or is it parked in the front “yard” (i.e. concrete pad) and not on the street?

Plenty of snow in western New York already.

It’s lovely that I have to see that thirsty twat’s name and/or face a half-dozen times before 9 a.m. pretty much every weekday.

Whereas I saw “Scott” and thought “Wait — wasn’t that Cameron?”

Goddamn it.

We bought my father-in-law’s 2003-ish Golf/Rabbit from his estate. At the time the lease on our 2010 RAV4 was about to expire, the VW didn’t have many miles on it, and it was dirt cheap. It seemed like a prudent move. It was not.
