It sounds like she screwed up, but I can’t help but wonder if OF was planning to roll out the delayed pay-outs anyways and just used this as an excuse.
It sounds like she screwed up, but I can’t help but wonder if OF was planning to roll out the delayed pay-outs anyways and just used this as an excuse.
I don’t want to google them right now, but I imagine they are a bunch of tech bros. The likelihood of them having an actual convo at some point in which they are happy to be getting rich off the work of “whores” is pretty high.
Where did I ask anyone to give her a pass? She pulled a scam, got caught, and should be made to give the money back and apologize. I said that upfront. But that won’t fix the bigger problem of venture capitalists willing to throw the workers who made them rich under the bus during a pandemic to protect their profit…
I should make it clear I’m not criticizing the angry sex workers here, but the company for letting her be the scapegoat when they were likely to pass these regulations anyway at the expense of workers who made them a fortune, and should just admit that. Tumblr, Paypal and other platforms have done the same thing…
Right. And the person it turned out to be was her, during a financially crippling pandemic that necessitated the service being repurposed in that manner in the first place, all for incredibly dubious reasons.
That we can agree on. But that still means the site is vulnerable to any celebrity or influencer looking for a quick cash payout to do the same thing. All it takes is one person with a large following to produce content users dislike (or feel ripped off by) for any reason to trigger this issue. These regulations were…
That’s literally my point though - that the pandemic, the lack of support from leaders and the financial vulnerability it’s put people in, is the real villain here. Of course they have every right to be mad at her for their direct income loss (I didn’t say they didn’t), but she didn’t “ruin” the business model; OF…
I guess if we weren’t going through a historic pandemic where most of these sex workers would be using onlyfans as a supplemental income I might agree. But there are a ton of people that are getting their work devalued as a direct result of this. If someone else did this then sex workers would be very justifiably mad…
Wow, we’re getting two identical stories on this, huh?
She’s an idiot, for sure. But this seems to have happened so quickly, my guess is OnlyFans had something like this in mind already. She was just an easy excuse to move forward with it. They’re not exactly a benevolent force.
There’s something about this letter that comes off as almost....proud(?) of how much influence they think they have over their ex. Couching it in self flagellation is adding victimhood to narcissism.
LW, you know you’re still using your ex, right?
Of course your character is the villain: you beat the white team!!
This just seems so stupidly short sighed on the part of Conde Nast/BA. I used to watch at least one of the BA videos daily as my daily inoculation against COVID-induced depression, but stopped as soon as their shitty practices came to light; the fact that they offered the BIPOC talent so much less even AFTER…
I went back and listened to Quality for the first time in a long time recently...I hate that this story was the impetus, but whatever, Talib had been one of my favorite rappers forever and whatever brought him to my mind was gonna make me want to listen to it...and holy shit, this is what I thought was brilliant and…
For a guy who has had his current level of fame for over two decades, he’s insanely thin-skinned. He’s been mad at an internet message board for criticizing something he did in 2002 (and rapped about it on College Dropout like it was something to brag about!) He used to spend entire days going after obvious bots and…
He tried to run people down. Which means he started a violent altercation with what could be considered a deadly weapon. He then didn’t signal that he was stopping the altercation or attempt to retreat. So assuming what the protesters said is true, a self defense argument likely won’t hold much water.
I’ll never surrender mine so long as conservatives have theirs. I don’t care what laws are passed or a highly unlikely 2A amendment repeal.
I’m sure the NRA will use the full power of its platform to make sure that this young man exercising his 2nd Amendment rights gets justice; just like they did for Philandro Castile and Kenneth Walker.