pleep ploop

Its strange since his face is kinda bland but I still know hes ~someone~ but not in a “where have I seen him” character actor sorta way. If that makes any sense. Never confused him for a Chris tho or Tom for that matter.

I think he must have a forgettable face, I never recognize him until I see his name (which is very distinctive.) Otherwise I mistake him for one of the Chris guys. Getting divorced over his entanglement with BLM is surprisingly spicy tho!

He was disowned by his family for a number of years as a teen when he decided to pursue acting and he’s notoriously progressive when it comes to politics and social issues.

Chambers is also from a rich, privileged family, so maybe there’s multiple options for who’s the jerk.

I have it on good authority that not only are you wrong about Armie Hammer (he’s a nice guy), but also if they did break up due to a BLM disagreement then it most definitely is not him who disagrees with the movement.

I once heard Hammer interviewed about the filming of Call Me By Your Name. The interviewer talked about the story of the film being about a life-changing summer romance and asked Hammer what is most life-changing, magical summer was - and he responded with, “The summer we made this film.” He described it as this


WTF is this? People need to stop being purposefully dense so they can have their Two-Minute Hates.

Or going through menopause. Or having a husband who decided that after you bore ten of his kids he’s in love with an actress half his age and tries to get you committed so he can divorce you. Looking at you, Dickens.

You’re more generous than I am. WTF is a Radley.

Radley is a little questionable too, unless it is a reference to Boo Radley, but somehow I doubt it. Nonetheless, those are all excellent dog names.

white people love naming their kids after overrated pokemon

FFS, the racism and ableism in both her actions, the coverage, and even the comments here on jez just disgust me. 

Just FYI everyone she is not the first nor will she be the last white woman to pick up someone else’s baby, play with them for a while, and kick them out of the house when they are done.

It’s hard to believe she had much regret about the rehoming when, at the time, she apparently carried on making her dopey videos about Bedtime Routines! or We Wore Silly Hats! or whatever pablum she produced. Where’s the humility? How are you holding yourself up as a cutesy, aspirational mommyblogger to emulate when

In a year of horrible news stories, this one still manages to stand out. As a mom of an autistic child, it is particularly rage inducing. 

I mean, Jez needs the clicks, but who cares re: The Pinkett-Smiths? cool with the wife/hubby getting some strange every now and again? Have at it. Ain’t a big deal to me.

Yeah - for some reason I thought they’d confirmed long ago that they had an open marriage and had side relationships and that was part of what sustained them. My guess is they probably do, but also don’t want the particulars splashed around and most of their partners have that understanding.

If they are polyamorous, I do not believe this is considered an ‘affair’.....