pleep ploop

This times a million. 

So what, he’ll go to the next town over and get hired there. Charge them, arrest them, and try them before a jury of people who didn’t hire them to do exactly what they did.

In his letter, Police Chief Robert Schroeder said Hankison “displayed an extreme indifference to the value of human life when you wantonly and blindly fired ten (10) rounds into the apartment of Breonna Taylor,” and that Hankison shot Taylor without confirming she was a threat to his life (which she wasn’t, as she was

What about the people who authorized this raid? The man they wanted was already in custody.  How many people signed off on this? Every single one should be fired, and while I'd love to see charges, I'm not sure if there are specific charges prosecutors could bring. This is a complicated situation because a lot more

This is bare ass minimum and the amount of time it’s taken is a slap in the face to her family.

And bandeau tops have less than zero boob support. Having that ‘win’ is why it is such a losing proposition to shop for someone else within their parameters, especially when they themselves don’t realize “My parameters will fly out the window as soon as I see something that hits my lizard brain and says SHINY!!!!” 

I’m so confused. That last one is the definition of “high-cut thigh shit.” 

Now playing

Yeah there’s . . . all kinds of issues regarding representation that ultimately circle right back to “well, this is supposed to be a power fantasy for guys”. I mean, just to use an even more basic visual cue for an example, how many times have you seen a guy on film come out of a fight with a broken nose? I couldn’t

Thank you for such a moving article. I’m not American, and I didn’t know much about Juneteenth until fairly recently. The stories of emancipated black people are simultaneously inspiring and horrifying.


Wasn’t this an episode of Shrill?

I cannot imagine paying $650 to be told that the only thing holding me back is me.Not the constraints imposed by my family - a husband I chose to marry and a child I chose to have - nor the choices of college career and debt I made at 18, nor the psychological weight I carry from an abusive childhood. Talk about

I love how Hollis makes her “rags-to-riches” story sound completely driven by plucky gumption, a positive attitude, and a bag full of nickels.

There is a reason Rachel Hollis is big with pyramid scheme bossbabes, she just echos the same basic platitudes that they are all being fed by their uplines as they go further into debt.

I can’t get over how...... not that old Ruby Bridges is. This just happened. 

Fuck you for trying to remove racism for what’s going on in this story, at Refinery 29 and, in Fashion.

It’s the reason Trump will win again (if). Bad poison apples like this one ripping apart the left. It’s not even well intended anymore, it’s just about feeling hateful towards everyone from a superiority complex. If you’re not the “perfect ally” or admit grovingly that “you have miles to go on red hot coals” before

No there’s literally nothing anyone could do to make people like this happy.

Yeah...dude leaves his position on the board, strongly and publicly encourages his fellow board members to fill that position with someone who is not just another white dude in Silicon Valley, and donated $1M. But let’s shit on him anyways ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

The takes from the authors lately have been shit and have only been getting worse. I love snark as much as the next person, but the some of the recent opinions expressed by the staff have been immature, bratty, and just comically stupid. Hating on Biden? Discouraging voting? Shitting on literally everything and