pleep ploop

My favorite thing from that nutso press conference? OBAMAGATE!

I get your point but many of those lists are linked to religion which can be oppressive if one is not a member of said religion. Also, I will never be able to Google any ex-boyfriend from Portugal because any given name has two million hits for precisely this reason. Carlos, I tried. 

They are Twitter-arguing over the airplane their son was named after. That there is the basis of a solid relationship.  What about that makes you think they’ll break up by winter break?

This. It’s hard for me to put my finger on exactly what I don’t like about these two (either individually or together), but this gets pretty close.

These two together remind me of all those obnoxious college relationships where both parties withdraw from their respective friend circles and spend every waking moment with each other because of some “deep connection” until they split up over winter break.

I hate both of these people.

Lmfao at your last sentence. I’m asking my boo this RIGHT NOW. 😂

IDK why Jada should be any different, lots of people are learning for the first time how partners react in a crisis and how they act when they’re on at work.

Kendall said period.

Alright, I feel totally cheated. Like, I did not sign up for Terminator 5: Jesse Pinkman. How can he just waltz right in three seasons deep and get to be top billing? Like, what has Bernard even been doing? Teddy? Maeve totally got shortchanged.

The best part might be that in her next IG post, Padma wears *just* two sports bras (see above gif). Captioned along the lines of: you have a problem with no bra, how about two bras instead?! Perfect.

braless women unite!  I haven’t worn one in weeks and it’s glorious.  Wouldn’t it be great if quarantine meant the end of bras?!

OK, that made me spit wine all over my new computer. But I like Sophie, probably because I know virtually nothing about her except the bit about her dad having an utterly regular job, and that she had something of a career before she got married.

Doesn’t that sum up most royals? They succeeded by being Royal.

I mean not much was expected of Edward and he still managed to fail every time.

I think she’s fortunate to be married to the third son, who is pretty far down the line. I don’t think as much was initially expected of her and Edward, so they were able to lead relatively quiet lives.

she’s a beard

Well, I didn’t get that we’re supposed to dislike her specifically - we’re supposed to dislike the monarchy (which, as an American, I do not), and we’re supposed to find her boring (which she is, relatively speaking).

Yeah, I don’t really get the tone of this article. We’re meant to dislike her because... she’s a down-to-earth, middle-aged woman? I mean, she’s 55 years old. Sorry she’s not keeping up with her 30-something in laws but I think that’s to be expected.

Sophie is great - it must be really nice for the Queen to look at her three children with disastrously-failed marriages and then see her youngest son choose so modestly and well. I definitely noticed when she and Edward started appearing on the royal family’s social media accounts more last year, to a certain extent