pleep ploop

I only really follow one sport, MMA, so I can’t speak to whether what you’re saying holds water (though I will say that women’s MMA is every bit as technically satisfying, brutal, competitive, etc., as men’s MMA).

This. I’m all for WNBA players negotiating better pay and aiming for the 50% split other professional athletes get, but of course there is, and will always be, a huge wealth disparity.

WNBA players should be paid more—probably more than double what they’re paid now. However, even if there were parity between the percentage of league revenue paid to WNBA and NBA players, respectively, there would still be a huge dollars-and-cents wealth gap.

Okay, got you. Also seriously repulsive political manouvering.

There are state and local races on the ballot today as well. The biggest one is for a Wisconsin state supreme court seat, which the conservative majority currently holds and would like to continue holding.

I live in Milwaukee and I think when this is done, in a just society, those Republican legislators should be charged criminally for the death and destruction they are causing all so a horrifying bigot can keep his position on the broken Wisconsin Supreme Court.

Yeah, I’m In NYC.

You are in New York, aren’t you? I only ask because a lot of the kinjaverse staff seem not to be.

So skip the article. I wouldn’t hang around Jez if it was all fear, panic and emergencies. It’s not too soon. 

didn’t you know that anything women typically care about is frivolous and bad?? sports are vital to boost men’s unearned sense of masculine virility. hair is just something you live with every day.

I just read an article on a local news website about how long it might be before pro sports will be played again. Not one commenter said “People are dying.” “First world problems.” “Yes, the real victims are sport fans.” Way to give yourselves away, guys.

You know, yeah, people are dying. We all know that. But this is a REAL thing that, while not close to life-threatening, is making life unhappy and difficult for many.

I hate this reality.

Stole this pic off of Reddit r/chicago. This gentleman has apparently had enough of sheltering in place.

My (step)Dad has been in a nursing home for about 15 years (massive stroke), and Mom made it a point to visit nearly every day. (Three times a day on weekends, stayed home if she didn’t feel well.) With the lockdown, she couldn’t do that. And then they turned Dad’s home into a step-down facility and temporarily moved

Unfortunately, I can’t get a foster pet (we have had plenty in the past) because our dog is still on restricted activity from ccl surgery. But she’s really really really happy because we are home a lot!

Yeah. I respect Emrata. She’s really talented and creative. She’s a great model, and her instagram is actually gorgeous. Believe me, that takes a lot of visual talent, creativity, and hard work on her part. I believe she probably is funny and charming. And good for her promoting cool shit that is beyond what you would

yes, this piece feels really mean spirited, and that’s not what any of us need right now :(

Because Joan absolutely can’t stand that there are celebrities who have accomplished anything. Say what you will about Emily, she became a successful model which requires a hell of a lot of discipline, which luck aside, she had to work hard for that. Joan can’t fathom that maybe she is also literate and progressive as

Why is this article being so critical? Why insinuate this woman doesn’t read the books? Regardless if she actually reads the books or not, these are still good recommendations. The tone of this article isn’t very feminist.