pleep ploop

It’s so depressing how many people came out of Tiger King thinking Joe Erotica was a fucking hero.

Count me completely unsurprised that she’d see Joe Exotic as the wronged victim in that whole mess.

This whole thing has shown how celebrities are truly useless in society. For every nice story you hear about a celebrity donating cash and whatever else they can offer, you get videos of celebs clapping on instagram or having a sing along. That’s not to say those people didn’t donate, the optimist in me hopes they

Affleck and De Armas are really well dressed for that pap walk. I wonder if they are represented by the same people. De Armas’ career was just taking off when we all had to go inside. I’m thinking this is just a ploy to keep her name out there. It’s not a bad idea 🤷🏾‍♀️

one horrible person is trying to set another horrible person free. 

I feel terrible but this made me laugh.

Do some celebrities get known for a style they cannot escape?

I am fully expecting birth rates to plummet after all of this is over. Even if things get back to some semblance of normal.

Joan’s shtick is tiresome. Shit on everything and everyone but use exclamation marks. Makes me miss Bobby. 

This sort of purity testing BS is going to be what buries the left in the end and keeps the Republicans in power.

Joan does this kind of ignorant, random virtue-signaling all the time, to the point where I’m starting to not click on Dirt Bag (my favorite Jez posts) when her name’s on the byline.

This is getting fucking ridiculous. Yes, rents need to be controlled so people can’t hike the every year and make cities unlivable, but there is nothing inherently immoral about owning properties and renting them out at a fair price. I’m dizzy from the amount of times I rolled my eyes reading this idiocy. 

Yeah, tell me this; without the existance of a rental option, would any of these people be able to buy land on their own? The writter seems to think that landlords are still the rich entitled lords that basically turned serfs into renters. This is, however the 21st, not 18th century, and if someone wants to invest

Probably because so much of what passes for being progressive online is taking ideologically sexy but wildly unrealistic positions and then shitting all over people who don’t match those positions 100%

Shes probably pissed her landlord won’t and is taking it out on them. 

The problem with “fucking obviously I don’t mean every single person who works in a technology-related field.” is that it’s an enormous and growing sector and and focusing on the small number of people you find annoying, while possibly cathartic to you, is not a good diagnosis of the problem. The 0.1 percenter venture

Oh, Joan. I’ve lived in SF for decades now (through Loma Prieta, the first tech boom/crash - I’m an old) and I’ve never seen anything like that’s happening now. I hope you and your husband are able to find a way to stay. This city needs you.

This all sucks so bad. I work for a restaurant point of sale solution vendor. We track/aggregate transaction volume going through our customers’ registers by segment and, holy shit the last several days have been sickening. The strongest segments are “only” down 40%-60% ... and this is before CA locked down last

I was born and grew up in San Francisco and I’m really, really old.