Just in case you wanted the honest answer to the question...
Just in case you wanted the honest answer to the question...
Do people who can afford these luxury resorts really follow influencers on social media? If I were super rich and looking for a luxury hotel, I wouldn’t look at some random millenial’s instagram, I'd ask my super rich friends.
What, no pictures/illustrations of him being led away in chains? Give the people what they want!
Oh course he left the walker behind. That was just a bit of stagecraft, or stage CRAP.
This is a state law crime, so Trump can’t pardon him, yay! Of course, why would little things like laws, ethics, or morality stop him? Haven’t yet!
Harvey didn’t kiss his ass or give him money, so no
Has Trump pardoned him yet?
The thing is most voters don’t care about the details. Trump had no details and he won. Bernie doesn’t get held to the same standard as Warren. Even if the main stream media doesn’t like Bernie, they rarely hold his feet to the fire.
She didn’t just do well because she bodied Bloomberg. She also came with detailed itemized plans of who she will tax, how she will pay for her plans and she is the only who consistently tied economic and social/racial inequality to health care, education, climate change, child care, immigration etc. The only minus was…
She’s currently in 3rd in delegates. And Bernie isn’t in first. So, if you want to claim that “the primary is over”, then you better be prepared to vote Buttigieg in November.
Yeah no, the primary is not over, I don’t need the residents of Iowa and New Hampshire speaking for me.
They should hire that last tweeter, reality shows thrive on drama, and with her they probably wouldn’t even have to resort to creative editing for that
By riling up Trump’s base, she managed to take Trump’s SOTU address and get conservative media outlets focusing on her instead.
My guess at plot is that the evil genius guy is doing something where he gives people what they most desire (Chris Pine, Kristin Wiig becomes “cool”) but somehow that enables him to manipulate them or harness some kind of power. So I’m guessing she might lose him again when she defeats the bad guy. Also maybe he just…
Philip is outraged that he got caught. ”Simple life”, my arse.
Thank you, Jez, for the reporting. I hope his victims see justice served soon.
girl, her dress is latex. her gloves are latex. the stripper platforms are very much intentional. trust.
Gabrielle Union looks THE SAME. Woman has to be a vampire.
I’m estimating here, but something like 70% of these celebrities dressed up like...other celebrities? Really? I suppose I have to wait for our patron saint of Halloween, H. Klum to show up this tepid cluster of nothingness.