pleep ploop

All of what you say.

I mean she probably deserves this fame because she’s figured out the art of cooking in a cramped NYC kitchen, on a budget limited as much by space as her salary, using only ingredients that fit in her tiny-ass cupboards and fridge. Those constraints are what make her recipes almost universal. Me, I just make

Aw, fuck off with your casual homophobia. You’re not helping.

Well, a Swissair flight back in 1996 crashed because the entertainment system overhrated and caught fire so maybe it’s to do with the supporting hardware, especially if it’s been a cable of some sort to each headset along with the associated safety protocols as part of it. I imagine, especially the further back you go

It seems high to me too - maybe some of it involves paying the production companies to play the movies themselves?

No, but whenever things go wrong I like to remember that following that kind stranger’s roadmap to happiness is still an option. 

God, this was so me at my first waitressing job. The restaurant had a buffet, and most employees started out on the buffet line before moving to the front of house, at which point they rarely worked buffet anymore. But I got the job because the owner of the restaurant was a family friend, and he hired me on as a

I remember graduating and doing 30 hours per week free labor for a non-profit and when the guy asked me to do more in a group email, I lost it and responded in frustration. 

My grandma told me to my my (boyfriend at the time) husband bc he loved me more than I loved him, and that was good, bc men stay steady in their love and women can grow. Now, I don’t think that’s necessarily true, but she was right about us, so it was good advice. She also like to say if it smells like shit it is, so

This is actually advice that my great aunt (who was in an all around bad  marriage but never left) gave to my mom: There’s worst things then being alone.” While my great aunt never left her bad marriage, my mom left her’s and is so much better for it. 

If you follow me on here, you’ll notice that I say, “sexism/racism/greed/whatever know no political boundaries.” I got that from her, and I’d long forgotten I did until now.

I was working as a cocktail waitress in a topless bar, and it was exactly as tedious, gross, and demoralizing as you would imagine it to be. One night, I went to close out a table of older men, and when they started talking in front of me about what to tip me. One of them turned to me and said “Honey, here’s a tip for

When I was 8 years old, my dad took me to see John Smoltz (Hall-of-Fame Atlanta Braves Pitcher) speak at a father/son breakfast at our church. After Smoltz did his bit, he took some time to sign some autographs. We were watching all these shitty kids and their equally ill-mannered fathers jostle each other and shove

Yup. Like Facebook: if you're not paying, you're the product.

From a stranger, on my 21st birthday, in St. Thomas:

I was just starting out in politics 20 years ago, and I had this advisor that looked just like Katherine Harris, the Florida AG of Gore v. Bush fame. My advisor was a staunch Republican (formero GOP adviser) on a very liberal campus, and she always looked like she just ate a lemon.

Meredith Viera is awesome.

Go Meredith go!

Remember when her brother lied about being black to get into med school?  Sure seems like the Kaling kids were raised by assholes to be assholes.

Yeah, there’s something about her own self-idealization that I think isn’t just irritating, but a form of betrayal. *Tangential ranting ahead, sorry* I’ve always said that the entirety of The Mindy Project is just a wish-fulfillment exercise for her that buys entirely into what I think are some of the most harmful,