pleep ploop

“Doctors and lawyers, gotta stay on top of them. They call it practice for a reason.”

Doctors are well-compensated, so it’s understandable we tend to think of it as a good job. But their training is so traumatic-by-design it’d make the Marines blush, and in many ways nowadays their working environment is just as hellish as the average American workers. Empathy is pretty savagely beaten out of (most of)

Years ago I used to work at a children’s hospital that had a nutrition unit and I was talking to a mother who was born in Mexico before moving here. She said that where she grew up was a very poor neighborhood and they didn’t always have food for 3 meals a day. When they moved here fast food was so cheap, she over

Unfortunately, the US has become a place where convenience trumps quality - in the workplace (how can we cut corners to do this faster/cheaper), in our shopping habits (“Get it today with Amazon Prime!”), and most significantly, in our food choices (ultimately, the drive through is much easier than even the simplest

Fat people: INTERVIEW YOUR DOCTORS AND ASK ABOUT BIAS before you allow them to treat you. This advice saved my life and I pass it along anytime I get a chance. My first pregnancy ended in lengthy hospitalizations for me and my 33 wk premie due to my dr chalking all my symptoms up to my fatty-fatness. Going forward, I

Diets don’t work because people don’t adhere to them, simple as that.

I think the “boundary violation” claim is not only vague, but also misleading. It makes it sound like an active abuse happened. Whereas the violation claimed seems to be not being able to chat with their co-star on set. Which the other party denies. And, to be frank, I find hard to believe - that in a day of shoot (or

This sounds like a labor dispute more than a #metoo situation. Maybe I’m not reading it correctly.

I don’t think I fully understand the allegation. Rooster was anticipating a longer day-of chat but got a shorted one and felt disassociated during the filming? Did any of their boundaries get crossed? Or did they just want to talk for longer?
I know there are also power imbalance issues in this story and that’s its

So this issue is about which day a contractually mandated conversation about consent happens, a consenting sexual relationship between two adults and someone accidentally using a performer’s birth name? That’s not really a ‘me too’ moment and it’s nowhere near comparable with issues like James Deen. Deen is a rapist. T

What exactly is Rooster alleging? Was there actually anything in the scene they weren’t comfortable with and felt pressured into doing, or is the issue that they didn’t get an additional break to discuss the scene with their co-star? It’s very vague. 

yeah, i always assumed that they had women with their hair down to make it easier to film with a stunt double.

She’s flying and shooting goddamn beams out of her arms and hanging with aliens like it’s every day work, and someone’s worried about her hair being tied back? That’s where their suspension of disbelief ends?

Was confused by the Blockbuster cameo, but then just realized it’s their way to date the film to the 90s. RIP my youth.

I love it when people take these kinds of posts to heart. Tory’s Burch’s sunglasses are made in China, so eff that.


TB is garbage, but I do like that god damn turtleneck!!!!

Props to Ms. Munn (whom I’m fond of) for speaking out, but I didn’t get the impression she was dumping (too much) on her co-stars, more of a “why the hell am I here alone?” issue, which I understand given this is a film festival, after all. With regards to the director casting a pedophile, yeah, that’s kinda gross,

The more I hear Olivia Munn speak on this the more I respect her position and I’m thankful she is the voice of this. Already people are claiming she is “milking” the situation but if they even bothered to listen to her words, she is truthfully putting her career on jeopardy because so many people want to protect

What kind of raggedy response is this? It sounds patronizing and exculpatory instead of supportive. I would have simply said,

“I’m sorry I didn’t take this more seriously and I’m sorry I didn’t have your back. Don’t know how I could be so dense. Let’s stand against Predators together!”

I came up with that in two minutes