pleep ploop

because of his role within his church.

There’s nothing disrespectful about seeing a woman’s arms or legs in a black dress. This isn’t 1950 and Aretha herself worked in an industry where women wear just about anything. The queen of soul herself had no problem wearing cleavage-baring gowns. #Respect

Watching that clip lastnight made me ENRAGED. All women have been there. We've all experienced groping in a public place. We've all tried to ignore it because we didn't want to be "that woman" who called out the dude in front of everybody, ruining the vibe. We have all been there. He's a piece of shit. 

Saw the clip of Ariana Grande performing first before seeing the grope and thought it was disrespectful to wear a skimpy LBD to a funeral.

He is probably used to getting away with behaving like that because of his role within his church. People probably don’t DARE question his behavior. She is young and attractive, and much smaller than he is physically - he thought he had a right to put hands on her.

He was visibly digging in while she kept trying to pull away. He knew.

Fuck this guy. Fuck him, fuck him, fuck him. He knew exactly what he was doing. I get hugged all the time and somehow women’s hands never end up on my breasts(or buttocks), even “accidentally”

I don’t know much about this bishop but I do know a lot about churches and my husband and I concluded that this is probably how he acts all the time, both the questionable ‘jokes’ and overly touchy/gropy in his own church (which Wikipedia tells me is a megachurch and that he basically inherited his position there from

I think it’s both. He does have a slightly wide neck, and it’s a terrible photo angle. I fixed it for you though.

Hahahaha trottin down the driveway like a showhorse 

“Is it even legal to refuse us” Jesus Lord, are you serious? And 15 pounds is not a small dog. I have small dogs (5 pounds, 8 pounds). I tried an empty dog friendly patio once, never again.

There’s a restaurant in my town that I’ve visited before and enjoy quite a bit. It’s in the downtown area, so I typically go there after I’ve run some errands.

Why does everyone want to bring their dog with them every time they leave the house? Grocery store-bring your dog. Retail store that has absofuckinglutely nothing to do with dogs or pets-bring your dog along! Maybe there will be another dog there and they can bark and fight!

I know there are rules, but, I mean, I’m an exception to all rules right?

find some good films from asian countries. Like pretty much everyone in hollywood has known for awhile that chinese, japanese, korean, and indian films are 100000% better than US ones. Also even disregarding the ethnicity, i guarantee you, you shouldn’t be trying to find role models in Rom-coms. especially when the

I think a lot of people here are misunderstanding these numbers. It isn’t saying that 50 year old men are fucking 18 year olds. It is simply saying that 18 year old women have the most hits. And independent of that 50 year old men have the most hits. In other words, it is easiest to find a willing partner for those

This is shocking. Particualrly since I didn’t realize how many 18 year old women are even using dating apps.

Am I the only one who thinks that Nick Jonas potentially buying something off the shelf at Tiffany’s seems.............................. Too Normal? Like, sure, he maybe shut down the store, but did he just?? Pick something out of the case??? Don’t celebs go for custom shit???

So don’t bring on people famous only for being racists unless you’re ready to argue back using data? That sounds like a pretty good standard.

My SO works for a (very small, independent) record label. One of their artists is going to be releasing an album that has a song that’s got samples from (redacted) on it. There are fewer than six people who work for this label, and they somehow manage to have contacted the sampled artist in question to do what they