pleep ploop

It’s good to keep things particular, especially when one case or one issue is right in front of you, but this idea can be broadened out pretty easily to, Gotta get woke to your own privilege. And privilege comes in so many different areas that that seems like an impossible task lots of the time.

Forget the discrimination aspect for one second. I don’t care if I’m a purple Muslim hermaphrodite from Jupiter, if I fucking paid for premium I am sitting in fucking premium, and no fuckers are making me sit in fucking coach, from my severely beaten lifeless body are you taking this from me.

Cheated. Sabotaged his sobriety. Emotionally abused him. Cost him work. Mocked Michael Jackson. Gave him a marriage ultimatum. Led him on about getting married. Joined a competing satirical Velvet Underground tribute bound and sniped all the potential Pizza Underground mitzvah and wedding jobs. Greeted him only by

Most Brewers’ game attendees are from nearby Waukesha County. A hyper conservative, nearly all white, exurban dump also referred to as Walkersha County for it’s endless support of Scott Walker.

What’s weird to me is that they never seem to be at the right place on the desk. I’m either hitting my knees or it provides no real cover. Usually both.

All this does is show you don’t pay attention to grammar.

“modesty panel”

I’m not a native English speaker, but even I know the difference between an adjective and a noun.

This grade inflation is ruining our youth’s expectations.

Can’t we just call them what they are - Instagram users, not models. It like how everyone is a porn star without there ever being a porn actress.

Situational Best Chris!

I cannot believe (*sigh* yes I can) that people are fixated on, “but did he wear socks IN the pool?” as opposed the fact that the (thankfully fired) apartment manager is a blatant racist.

Despite President Trump signing a self-congratulatory executive order “ending” his administration’s family separation policy by expanding the inhumane practice of indefinite family detention,”

I also think it’s conspicuously about the fact that the advantage is being granted by something “unladylike” i.e. “makes penises sad”. Like, if giant breasts somehow made you a significantly faster runner, I doubt there would be as much hand wringing over a huge chested woman just dominating every running event.

Aren’t both kids and adults doing most of their socializing behind screens nowadays? So that leads to less drugs and sex but also more social isolation which could lead to depression.

Yep, my sister does the same thing. Her flying into an unholy rage is a sure sign that you’ve caught her in a lie or some kind of scam.

Captain Obvious only rages like this when he’s guilty of whatever he’s being accused of. And he’ll need better lawyers than Giuliani to dig his family out of all this.

I look at Chalamet and see a sweet looking kid. I know he’s in his 20s but he looks like he should spend this weekend taking the SAT II. Zero erotic interest. Fuck, I’m old.

are we also required to be polite to those unwanted telemarketers who keep offering us such wonderful home refinance options / extended vehicle warranties / timeshare opportunities
because that’s the same kind of cold-call bullshit this ‘influencer’ was doing. she wanted a nice free holiday and apparently is now