They’ll get him finally on collusion or at least Jr but it’s the money-laundering so far that seems to be opening all the doors for the investigation, especially when it comes to getting the lower guys to talk.
They’ll get him finally on collusion or at least Jr but it’s the money-laundering so far that seems to be opening all the doors for the investigation, especially when it comes to getting the lower guys to talk.
So the “defenders” of the Second and haters of the First may all soon be pleading the Fifth.
Money-laundering is what is going to take this clown car down, not election collusion. The latter is just too nebulous to pin down to an impeachable offense, but if you’ve got the receipts showing where all the dirty money went, that’s a very different story.
This is good advice for life in general, really. Pessimism is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
From a friend who is far more eloquent than I:
I’m engaging in these types of discussions with my almost 21 year old son. He’s starting his first “real” job, so we’ve been talking a lot about professional behavior in the workplace. He was pretty shocked when I described some of the things I’ve experienced over the years. I know he has a hard time picturing his no…
“I screamed and told him to fuck off, nobody believed I was in danger.”
I’m a man, and contrary to what the media would have you believe, I’m not living my life in fear of being accused of sexual harassment and losing my job. Why? Because I make sure my behavior at work is above board and professional at all times, and that I treat my female colleagues with the respect they deserve as…
It’s a very self-centered philosophy. For every woman who’s made it, there are ten who haven’t.
Show me a smart, competent professional man who is utterly derailed by an anonymous accusation that was hastily deleted from social media and I will show you a rare spotted owl.
Al Franken. These guys are usually pouting about Al Franken. He was apparently the next president, the guy who was going to United us icky feminist Clinton voters with progressive Sanders supports despite his having corporate voter ties and not being tied to the ERA.
Predicting that after he wipes the cheeto dust off his fingers the reply will be something akin to, “That one guy that one time. I read about it on 4chan.”
I keep getting similar comments on these posts about the list, and I’ve concluded it’s just another side of the “false rape allegations are worse than rape” argument.
Yeah, “It didn’t cause me to literally curl up into a ball and die” is a shitty bar for her to set. Wrong behavior is wrong, not (just) because it can potentially derail someone’s career.
Whose life was derailed by a murky and anonymous accusation? I know I probably shouldn’t respond to your ass but I really wanna know.
“The majority of women in the workplace are not tender creatures and are largely adept at dealing with all varieties of uncomfortable or hostile situations,” Roiphe wrote in the New York Timesin 2011. “Show me a smart, competent young professional woman who is utterly derailed by a verbal unwanted sexual advance or…
This same sort of thing happened to me, as a young lass. A long time friend / some time skull partner and I were goofing around with neckties, and the next thing you know, he whips out one of those disposable cameras (pre-digital era) and shoots a photo of me!
Even in the absence of these allegations, I genuinely loathe him along with his pals Seth Rogen, Jonah and Apatow. Their movies (especially when they collaborate) have always been unfunny misogynist trash. I can’t believe the sheer number of women who told me Knocked Up was feminist & Franco was an intellectual. Hoo…