The meaningful way to accomplish this is to punish boys who coerce. No means no, take no for an answer, learn boundaries, respect other people’s boundaries.
The meaningful way to accomplish this is to punish boys who coerce. No means no, take no for an answer, learn boundaries, respect other people’s boundaries.
Not that I’m a fan of going after 82 year old humans, but the whole thing of physically altering dogs to suit our tastes is pretty awful and we need to stop doing that.
I don’t understand why you’re asking all of these silly questions. Maybe you should talk to your husband before posting online. After you make a few beautiful babies.
Yeah? I should have kids? I’m in my mid 30s, unmarried, don’t own a home, and I’m still paying off extensive student loans. You fuckers have made it impossible for this generation to afford anything, and yet you think we should procreate so we can, what, have a new generation of struggling poors?
So like ... can I have maternity leave? Affordable prenatal care? Any treatment for my battered lady-bits after birth? Help with childcare? (My parents live very, very far away and I really like what I do for a living.) Will my daughters be able to get jobs where they won’t be harassed by their employers, or is their…
Yeah, typically when you tell someone you don’t want to have sex with them you have a reasonable expectation that sex is off the table until further notice, not that they’ll wait a few minutes and fuck you anyway.
A dude in my friend group at uni told almost the exact same story. The girl didn’t want to have sex, they had sex, she cried, the dude was all wtf? What the hell is wrong with men?
The amount of times I’ve encountered guys on tinder who complain about women who say they don’t want to hook up then hook up on the first date is astounding. Like I’m sure some are being coy but how many are being coerced?
Men know rape is a bad word, but think the action of rape is just fine. They refuse to admit otherwise.
I’m fascinated by the line “She said she didn’t want to have sex, and then we started to have sex.” He doesn’t say “She told me she changed her mind and really wanted to sleep with me,” or that she went to tyr bathroom for condoms , just that they started having sex, and considering she started crying it certainly…
I guess the pr firms handling sexual assault allegations are now advising clients to do a pre-emptive “I’m sorry I have to apologize - but it wasn’t that bad from what I remember” BEFORE the accusations come out. Truly a flip of the script and “so brave.”
My guess is that the woman in Spurlock’s story and the one he sexually harassed wouldn’t tell it quite like that. Let’s not give this serial abuser power over his victims by praising him. Didn’t we learn this with Hugo?
Same. The racist policy stuff is just icing on the anti-choice cake.
My extended white (mostly female) evangelical family are nearly single-issue voters. That issue being: ABORTION
“...Hayek, as a then-struggling Mexican actress” Right. Hayek has never struggled. She came from a wealthy family and by the time she made Frida, already had double digit films under her belt. Saying she was a “struggling actress” lumps her into the group of all the other women who have zero power in this situation.…
The unibrow and limp stayed.
Dana Schwartz is ahead of you:
The trailer definitely has the right look, but I’m a little concerned that its amping up the action and also trying to “explain” Area X a bit too much. What made the books so successful was the mounting sense of dread and paranoia enhanced by the slippery way Area X keeps eluding any sense of understanding no matter…
I complain here a lot about almost everything.