Yeah, not saying there isn’t some valid criticism of her but it’s interesting that the brogressives(white males) hate her and kamala Harris. Funny that.
Yeah, not saying there isn’t some valid criticism of her but it’s interesting that the brogressives(white males) hate her and kamala Harris. Funny that.
Agreed. Crews is brave for talking about his own experience and needs to be taken serious.
The dress seems to big for her. If you’re going to have that sort of mesh crap on your dress it can’t be BAGGY. It looks like someone else’s dress that she grabbed at the last minute. But the horses are cool.
I’m with you all the way here. It doesn’t hang well either, which to my mind really defeats the purpose of having an individually styled gown when it’s ill fitting.
I absolutely see the logic in your reasoning and think you’re spot on about what’s going on in her head. But shit, when do we start demanding that people who lack imagination live outside of their own experiences? You’ve done about a thousand times more mental work than Pam has just in this comment, but she’s given a…
There is a difference between advising women not to let their guard down and saying that women who ostensibly have let their guard down are making excuses for fucking up when they get raped while their guard is down. Will I advise my daughter to be careful and not drink too much at parties lest she end up incapable of…
Look, some women can be the most ardent supporters of an oppressive patriarchal system. Pam has survived in spite of/by virtue of her physical attributes all her life and can’t see the forest for the trees.
There’s a lot of companies that have these clauses, especially internet and “new media” (blech) companies, but it’s supposed to mean “we often cuss a lot, and the podcasts and articles under our media umbrella often touch on sexual topics, so you need to understand this going in, in case that’s not for you.” It’s NOT…
In fairness while Gavin McInnes was one of the original three founders (Shane Smith and Suroosh Alvi being the others) and he was shoved out before the company ballooned into what it is today. Having said all that, NAME AND SHAME! NAME AND SHAME!
Yep. Gavin McInnes founded the company. He supports banning Muslims from the US, believes all trans people are mentally ill, that feminism “has made women less happy,” called black people “monkeys,” said multiple antisemitic things, and founded a group called the Proud Boys which is an all-male white-supremacist…
Isn’t their founder some alt-right type? I’m not sure sorting out some bad apples is going to get rid of the toxicity there.
In Cline’s countersuit, she acknowledged that she had used spyware to look into Reetz-Laiolo’s infidelity while the pair were still in a relationship.
In Cline’s countersuit, she acknowledged that she had used spyware to look into Reetz-Laiolo’s infidelity while the pair were still in a relationship.
This. Someone sent me the video today, and my first thought was that he was “bothsidesing” the whole issue. I loved the concept, and the filming and opening which pull you in was pretty brilliant. But the drawing of the moral equivalency is just too distracting to be ignored.
I’m guessing the Variety story must be really awful, and I hope it moves ahead anyway. NBC needs to look like it took action so I guess this is it?
Matt Lauer’s firing was about as expected as Donald Trump’s incompetence. Figuring out who sexually harasses women isn’t very difficult to predict. Lauer consistently gave Trump and O’Reilly a pass on their shitty behavior while grilling HRC about emails and telling her to keep her answers brief.
did you see the bit in the original WaPo article about how the WaPo reporter put her purse next to the mole’s purse on the table to block her camera, and right after that the mole moved her purse hahahahahahaha