My sister posted pictures of some enslaved African migrants and my brain shut the fuck down. I’ve been sleep for a few hours, only now waking up in a world where images from blood memory are vivid color. There was a young man with a sore on his leg. It was weeping blood and he was sweating profusely and I keep…
Too many. But all of the ones I know have given up trying to defend him at least.
God Bless Texas Women.
Is Lena Dunham bad for feminism? Yes
At no point on your path did you learn not to take one person’s specific pain/issue and vague it up so you could also apply it to yourself and “all lives?”
That commentator ‘Siege Mentality...’ just casually AllLivesMatter-ed Zinzi’s statement. Remarkable.
A lot of those women saw themselves in lena and can’t grasp that they might be racist as fuck as well.
Raising my hand as one who is severing ties. I used to say “Lena Dunham isn’t helping.” Now I say “Lena Dunham is actively hurting feminist and progressive issues.”
I think it was GELLA yesterday who posted the wall of apologies Lena Dunham has had to make over the years and that plus the above account of the friend who’d use the n word “as a joke”, it gives a very clear picture of the bubble she lives in. People like that are priviledged personified. It’s very easy for me to…
Good. I wish EVERYONE who claims to be feminist or progressive would sever ties. I’ll never forget the Jia Tolentino piece on Jezebel which in my very humble opinion did not go far enough at all, and the scores of commenters who were willing to give Lena pass after motherfucking pass despite example after…
I love Joe Biden as much as the next person, but I will always hold the Anita Hill proceedings against him. He wasn’t the only person involved in the process, but as the person in charge he gets the most of the blame for what happened because it was in his power to fix it.
I really, really hope not. I’m still holding out for my Harris/Duckworth ticket.
I think Cardi B isn’t saying that she isn’t a feminist, because right after disavowing that word, she defines what feminism means to her and what kind of a feminist she is, and it is a definition that is pretty much right. If you parse her words, you can tell she’s saying that she isn’t a White Feminist - there is a…
Speaking of pieces of shit:
Their feud started when Rand Paul stole his neighbor’s backup dancers. There’s been a lot of bad blood since then.
Oh, you can’t be so sure of that. (Yes you can!)
Ding ding ding, we have a winner folks. I guarantee you there was infidelity involved. Tree trimmings aren’t “tackled out of nowhere” worthy. Coming home to seeing the smug asshole that fucked your wife? Yeah, that’s worth a six-rib breaking tackle.
Lover’s quarrel. Who’s with me on this?
“a very regrettable dispute between two neighbors over a matter that most people would regard as trivial,”