Because Trump voters are fucking dumb. They think that the pussygrabbing is “just locker room talk.” I can only speak for myself and I’ve been in plenty of locker rooms and I never heard anything remotely like that.
Because Trump voters are fucking dumb. They think that the pussygrabbing is “just locker room talk.” I can only speak for myself and I’ve been in plenty of locker rooms and I never heard anything remotely like that.
President Obama’s “health care for all” law was officially called the “Affordable Care Act” but has been nicknamed Obamacare in honor of its champion.
There are so many levels of irony here that I officially don’t understand any of it. Someone do a translation for a befuddled non-American?
I suppose this will fool the same sort of idiot who thinks that Obamacare was a failure so Congress stepped in and replaced it with the ACA. Of which there are many.
If you’re serious about learning how to unlearn your racism, look for a local SURJ (Showing Up for Racial Justice) chapter. Folks there will help you with these sorts of answers. But don’t come into a space for black folks and make them teach you - that’s just another sort of entitlement that we white folks expect.
Because you’re not saying “there are terrible white people” you’re saying “white people are terrible. I hate us.” I’ve never met a black person who would say, “white people are terrible.”
But white people don’t suck. White supremacy sucks. Saying, “white people sucks” allows you to act as though there’s nothing you can do.
I commend you for trying to play nicely with this guy, but he’s just looking to dump his emotional baggage all over you, and hoping you’ll alleviate his white guilt.
Becky and Chad woke up one morning with slightly higher insurance premiums and college debt and decided WE NEED TO FIX THIS SHIT RIGHT.
Do you understand why people responded the way they did, though?
If you are a #2, then just stop doing that. That should be your takeaway from this article. See? The article was helpful after all.
Trump’s election finally got me into serious activism (first time post-college). I started showing up, keeping a low profile, and listening more than I talked. I wanted to defer to the people in charge because, y’know, clearly they had more experience than me.
Who said this was about helping a cause? Maybe we just want to have a laugh at your un self-aware ass.
men can be feminists, but don’t trust a single fucking one who makes a living off feminism.
I love when child rape apologists say “oh but what if they are still together and have kids and it was true love?” If the foundation for your love is child rape, it’s not true love. It doesn’t matter if the victim is Stockholm Syndromed enough to be with you when they grow up. That doesn’t mean you didn’t commit a…
I’m guessing if the happy couple were traveling to Europe for a 30th anniversary vacation, it wouldn’t affect them. If they’re traveling to a country known for having Westerners visit for the sole reason of raping trafficked children, then the country gets a heads up.
“someone with a decades-old conviction from when he was 19-years-old and his girlfriend was 14"
Because it fucking works. We have rape shield laws not because we all know that the victim’s past sexual behavior is irrelevant in a rape case, but because a large portion of America is quite certain that it is centrally relevant. We had to pass a law specifically because it is such a perfect defense before a jury.
It is incomprehensible that two veteran NYPD detectives would allegedly commit such an outrageous act.