I think you meant compact trucks, and that would be fantastic. If only the manufactures weren’t so hell bent on selling the BIGGER BADDER WORKIER COOLER MOST EXPENSIVE new road legal monster trucks, it might even work.
I think you meant compact trucks, and that would be fantastic. If only the manufactures weren’t so hell bent on selling the BIGGER BADDER WORKIER COOLER MOST EXPENSIVE new road legal monster trucks, it might even work.
All presidents, even after leaving office, aren’t allowed to drive in public. Which is why most of the end up on huge chunks of property where they are allowed to actually drive around.
At least hes not the literal source of it
Commenting here before she has a Clarkson moment where she absolutely falls in love with stupid giant trucks
When i started work at the rail car engineering firm, they had a digital 12" Milwaukee branded endoscope that had a picture quality of about 72p. The thing was less than useless, the scope arm was stiff, about 3/4" wide and the camera was completely useless. I was always told to be incredibly careful when i had to go…
Ya’ll Qaeda strikes again
We never deserved Kimi
Probably wants a fancier scooter to doddle around the paddock on
Its more of “You doubted us so we are going to try and prove to you we did what we said we did.” Its showing they have nothing to hide
Props to Jerod for not denying anything and just going straight at doing it again, and inviting the 3 big youtubers who put out the videos discrediting the official Top Gear video.
I think my mom had a red interior Grand Cherokee back in the 90s. Dont think it was a stick though, but that red brings back a ton of memory fragments of early childhood
Speedo probably wasnt that accurate at that speed anyways. Thats one of the theories as to why they blurred it out (assuming the telemetry was accurate) is that it may show well over 331. By NA law speedos have to err on the side of too fast as opposed to too slow, so the speedo may have said up to 10% over the actual…
Welcome aboard! you seem plenty weird enough for this place
Interesting. At this point, I will believe it when they release the actual video and there is ZERO evidence or discrepancies with it. If there is anything fishy at all, All trust in them will be lost. That combined with the already misleading statements about DEWETRON confirming the accuracy of the run as opposed to…
Holy shitballs
My main question is how much is Elon paying you for the inevitable shill articles about how amazing Tesla is.
Conversely, how much is the Big Three paying you to shit on Tesla at every opportunity?
Ive heard of Vanuatu from i believe a nature documentary, and I know of Brunei from the Sultan (or his son?) being an insane car collector. And by insane, i mean he spends the countries money on thousands of rare and incredibly expensive cars, only to literally lock them away and never touch or look at them ever…