2nd Gear Just Exploded

without a Direct marketing benefit? Have you ever met any insecure billionaires? this shit would kill in that market 

where i live theres an invasive plant called spanish needle. Grows like crazy and has millions of extremely annoying stickers that can cover your pant legs with a million tiny needles at the slightest brush. Ive been fighting them for nearly a decade now, and im not winning 

I always assumed Ford Patented the concept and wont let anyone else do it.

Question Why did he name it after a goofy reptile? 

Yeah the names doesnt really make sense, but neither do most hypercars. Personally i find it cooler than naming it alphanumerically or anything lame like that.

I believe the original prototype designs had funny fins running down the roof and engine cover. “Tuatara” translates to “back spikes” so i guess thats where the got it from? Or Mr. Cleans yacht-loving twin just liked the name. who knows.

They are insanely cool reptiles though. They split from common lizards well before

i know the terms dont actually relate to displacement but i always get a chuckle out of hearing “454 small block”

didnt bother reading the top comment i was replying to, did ya? 


that seems....somehow more discriminatory. 

You’re not supposed to drink the bong water sir

What exactly is the purpose of that new law?

Its a shame the channel has kinda faltered in the past year or two. Yeah the content is still decent but his uploads have dropped way off, and he just doesnt seem to be the happy go lucky dude fucking around in his g’rage anymore. I cant determine if hes just getting bored with the whole Youtube thing, or if hes

good lord that is spot on

Our company phones got hit pretty bad last year. Two or three times a day we’d get a call from “Heather” at “Warranty Account Services” with an important update to our account. The numbers were always different and usually from all over the country. I even got some from the incredibly limited rural area code and

goddamn that car looked cool

shit, is he?