

Drunk guy crashes car, blames Antifa”
...I don’t see how this is a story worth reporting.

It’s because Jalopnik, like the rest of this site, has unfortunately slid down into being political mouthpiece for extreme left views. Happened to the rest, jalop was just the last holdout

Breonna Taylor’s drug dealer friend fired at police when they were executing a search warrant. They had to return fire. She got hit. In theory,justice for Breonna means charging her friend with her death. Seriously, if you can’t properly do research then please don’t even post anything on the internet anymore.

How cute another social justice warrior sticking it to the man. Go get em tiger. 

The facts about the case have been falsely circulated. First her name was on the warrant. She had been filmed taking bags in and out of her house and to a known drug house. The police did knock and her boyfriend shot an officer after opening the door. The police shot back defending themselves. Breona was on the couch

On to the next bandwagon - so classy.... Like how this type only shows their hypocrisy when it as destructive as possible. as soon as he leaves podium he is back to the two faced hypocrite he always is..... Back to the tax haven in a private jet with his dog. Shame how yutes do not understand what real advocacy is!

Crawl up his ass some more would ya? FIA never should have given permission for that whole BLM crap then this wouldn’t have happened.

If an investigation indicates that they acted with malice or willful negligence, they should absolutely be arrested, and then have their day in court.

In all fairness, when Santino Ferrucci tried to race in F2 in a MAGA branded car he was denied by the FIA and everyone here and his mother agreed that it was political and that he was a douche.

Why don’t you look up how many interactions the police have with the public per year and then see how many actually go sideways

You do know that the video starts after whatever transpired before his ass was on the ground?

“Mr. Walker has a felony probation warrant out of Fulton County for Cruelty to Children, Possession of a Firearm by a Convicted Felon, and a Failure to Appear warrant out of Hapeville which resulted in Magistrate Court denying him a bond.”

“Mr. Walker has a felony probation warrant out of Fulton County for Cruelty to Children, Possession of a Firearm by a Convicted Felon, and a Failure to Appear warrant out of Hapeville which resulted in Magistrate Court denying him a bond.”

Shh The Root does not like logic

C’mon. I know you know he didn’t simply ask “why” only to suddenly be dragged out of the car and subjected to what was caught on camera. Yes that’s theoretically possible but you can be nearly certain there was an escalation that preceded what was caught on camera. 

Wait. All he had to do was provide his ID and instead he decided to say no and then fight the cops over it?

“...for having outstanding felony warrants and resisting arrest.”

I think @thefinalmonster is alluding to the copycat Chinese products and copyright theft of almost every American and European product out there. China seems to face almost no repercussions for intellectual property theft and blatantly disregards any attempts to hold them accountable. I don’t like how easily Jalopnik

I don’t know what is true regarding this feud.