
Shut your black supremacist racist ass up. Who the fuck do you think you are to tell anyone else to shut up?

And why not?

How is Kyle Rittenhouse horrible?

Black Liars Murder, as well as George Floyd = criminals.

That’s the least of it. Jalopnik also censors any writings against their extreme opinions here. They even delete stars given to posts they don’t agree with or made by posters they disagree with.

Won’t be much of a movie. Seriously, a bunch of idiot bums with paedophile and other convictions on their long ass rap sheets, an obese ugly as fuck ‘woman’ (?) making speeches trying to rile their ‘troops’ talking about some guy executing someone being a good thing, then leaving their homeless tent corner and rest of

Black Liars Murder. You Jussies are always lying.

Do watermelons next!!

I bet you thought that your stupid little story was an intelligent and thoughtful little piece.

Why should there be a racial balance? If white-majority countries are most interested in the sport they founded and have as a hobby in most of their societies then the measure of the number of people with a certain skin colour is not the measure of racism.

Whaamilton trying to get publicity for himself in order to sell more sweatshop merchandise or german automobiles made by a corrupt corporation is totally sanctimonious bullshit.

So what’s that hypocrite black supremacist wannabe-rapper ecodisaster “fighting for” other than press coverage like a total spineless asshole? Who can prove that he isn’t once again just doing the most despicable, easiest, most selfish and low-IQ shit ever?

So what’s that hypocrite black supremacist wannabe-rapper ecodisaster “fighting for” other than press coverage like a total spineless asshole? Who can prove that he isn’t once again just doing the most despicable, easiest, most selfish and low-IQ shit ever?

BLM is a million times worse than Bernie.

So what’s that hypocrite black supremacist wannabe-rapper ecodisaster “fighting for” other than press coverage like a total spineless asshole? Who can prove that he isn’t once again just doing the most despicable, easiest, most selfish and low-IQ shit ever?

So what’s that hypocrite black supremacist wannabe-rapper ecodisaster “fighting for” other than press coverage like a total spineless asshole? Who can prove that he isn't once again just doing the most despicable, easiest, most selfish and low-IQ shit ever?