
Says the black supremacist retard-level zero-IQ cunt posting on a hate-site.

You dumb cunt, if the case is that the rental place called the cops on that career criminal (surprise, surprise...) and the cops responded exactly to that, knew he was their guy, knew he had warrants out... What the fuck is your excuse for once again LYING your fucking prison-loosened ass off??? You clearly either

Fuck you, unintelligent zero-IQ dipshit.

You are so embarrassed about once again being wrong that you want me dead? You are not a good person.

Or maybe you’re an asshole idiot fuckface cunt purposefully spreading lies like an 8-year-old, all amped up about your “my first anti-establishment rebellion” you dumb zero-IQ cunt!!

Go fuck yourself you fucking asshole brainless liar cunt!! Who the fuck are you to claim that you know shit about this case, cunt??? Fucking asshole liar narcissist deranged hate-filled douchdebag LIAR!!

Go fuck yourself you fucking asshole brainless liar cunt!! Who the fuck are you to claim that you know shit about this case, cunt??? Fucking asshole liar narcissist deranged hate-filled douchdebag LIAR!!

If you assholes were right, you wouldn’t have to lie blatantly every time. A comment from the Youtube comments section, go ahead and prove it to be wrong:

Hey dipshit, maybe based on the grounds that there actually were, instead of in your Black Liars Murder and ANTI-democracy Fascist Asshole propaganda agitation lies they spread in order to incite more murders, assaults on elderly, arson...

“They do this with cameras and the national spotlight on them. Firing is not good enough”

You are a loser, believing those absolute lies once again. Just another Jussie.

Black Liars Murder stoking up violence and crime is up, that’s why crime, murders etc. is up.

Black Liars Murder. Again we have more lying Jussies. Always lies. Always propaganda to stoke up violence, murders, arson, destruction. Always agitation to destroy our democratically built justice system and laws.

Black Liars Murder. Again we have more lying Jussies. Always lies. Always propaganda to stoke up violence, murders, arson, destruction. Always agitation to destroy our democratically built justice system and laws.

I would much rather have a rude but competent president who fights against corruption and loses much of his personal wealth while being bombarded with lies 24/7 for years because he upsets all the corrupt assholes.

Those snake-oil-salesmen manipulate the stock price with absolute lies like “autonomous cars by the end of the year (in 2017)“, which they claim are not estimates but the absolute truth and you’re a “@£$*” id you don’t believe them! So they can just shut the fuck up if others make estimates in the other direction

You mean the Musk-owned company that has all of its work carried out by actual competent engineers, funded by billions of taxpayer money.

Musk has faked results, based on sales of absolute shit which were sold on false promises of fairytales. His company is staying afloat despite the massive debt because of the absolutely insane amount of money poured in and the support from ethnic cleansing people’s republic of china.

Because American idiot investors (the the large amount of investors from elsewhere investing through America by following bandwagons) won’t pour money into a project that isn’t a “Silicon Valley Tech Startup”.

Fuck you, book burner! Even the hate-speech spewing racist black supremacists over at The Root don’t censor like you assholes do...on a fucking ‘car site’!!