
Yay, black supremacy!! Fuck all the other races, we want to win the race war, right!!??

Pay attention to what problems? CNN lying about Sandmann? All the Jussies who turn out to be liars, rapists, career criminals? Fuck you.

Fuck BLM, Black Liars Murder, and fuck the Jussies, rapists and career criminals they’re glorifying for their racist black supremacist crime-spree advocacy.

To be fair, loser commie deadbeats always only drive other peoples’ cars and aren’t too bright.

Why the fuck would Aston Martin lend Kinja-communists a car?

So it was you who was idiotically blocking the lines for people who actually had important reasons to use communications lines.


Well, vote for Biden and there will be more war. 100% guaranteed. You saw what kind of smear campaigns the war hawks of the military-industrial complex just launched against Trump because he refuses to give them new wars. They want Biden in the White House so they get to make more money with new wars.

Why are “we” moving to EVs then? Do you have an overall business case to present or just the usual absolute bullshit containing total lies like “no emissions”?

Yes. In Europe VW bribed the politicians to give 9000€ of taxpayer money to every single one of their customers, and Tesla is one of the main beneficiaries. Unsurprisingly getting 9000€ of pure money for buying certain cars is ‘successful’. Their plan of once again using corruption as their main strategic tool is

Was it the class about the effect of jet fuel on steel beams?

So you are against Biden the warmonger, who is clearly backed by the military corrupt hawks? And you’re for Trump who dares go fight against the corrupt hawks even though they have hundreds of millions to pay CNN and other fake media to run smear campaigns against him?

Imagine being a juvenile idiot narcissist who believes what shit CNN pours out and then tries to parrot that onwards but being too stupid to know how to really do that.

So you’re against war-starter Biden?

You are a racist paedophile rapist.

The lying rapist corrupt crook who doesn’t care if America is basically destroyed as long as his handlers make billions and give him (and his family: his children and his wife!) some scraps in return?

You actually believe that naïve CNN propaganda??

Biden lies all the time. And rapes. His mafia is literally inciting, supporting and stoking up riots, arson, murders...

Well if your measure of competence being how good they are at corruption and secret payments, not being involved in any real business, making money (for their family) by being a politician for 50 years, hires russians to spy on their political adversaries (literally ordered the spy report made by spies), literally has

Biden will call forget who he was just told to hire by the extreme leftists and the corrupt swamp who control him, he’ll get confused, then call them dog-faced poly soldiers and try to beat them up.