
The Dodge Demon can run a 9.65 second quarter out of the box? Yawn.”

Tesla is already killing every EV on the market by a wide margin on kw-per-mile stats”

Tech companies working in the virtual world have near infinite scalability. They can launch new products all the time, there is almost no limit to what they can do. And every single product of theirs can be ‘manufactured’ and distributed in an instant to the whole world.

Jalopnik writers can barely go to the supermarket.

Yeah, Joe Schmoe is trading against a casino, and paying them fees for doing so.

Where is Tesla producing energy?

Tesla stock will recover in the medium term because despite the doom and gloom they’ve got a good cult-stock that ‘investors’ want to buy.

Let’s start with them figuring out how to build cars...

That guy’s father had his 401k in Enron stock.

Musk is like that one chubby kid there is always in the class: just can’t help lying. “My dad is rich, his car goes 200mph, I do have a girlfriend but she’s living in another state...”

Hilarious! Thanks for the laughs, kid!!

This time on Roadkill, we buy a brand new piece of absolute junk for only $65,000, let’s see if we can make it to...

Why? Go ignore the dictionary as much as you ignore all other books (except black supremacist hate-speech and marxist shit).

Why do you have a comment section here? When you assholes can’t defend your stupid takes when people disagree with them, you spineless fucks shadowban and remove writings. Pathetic.

Wow, what the fuck?? I was wondering why I’m suddenly not getting any responses from any conversations I was in...apparently you cunts have shadowbanned me?? You’ve actually removed my comments?

America has been overrun by the White Walkers”

Well, if Biden wins gas price will shoot up and the economy will tank, so people will have far less purchasing power. But that won’t help EVs much unless Biden-squad socialist utopia means taking away everyone else’s money to pay for them since people will have even less money to buy EVs too.

What part of EV production will be fixed with scale, and how? By creating vast eco-disaster wastelands of rare earth metal mining? By bankrupting societies under the costs of the electrification infrastructure?

It is literally an indisputable fact that EVs are far too expensive to be competitive compared to ICEs. Even nearly.