
It’s funny because this “EV Battle” is being forced down the throats of engineers who don’t believe in it. It’s a PR campaign, nothing more.

lol again..thanks for the laughs.

Shilling you liberal hack, do you read your own article?

I mean, you were drinking coffee in someone else’s $200K car with leather? In the twisties? I will never understand folk’s need to have a beverage to hand in all situations.

Yeah, because they are a business, whereas TSLA is a Ponzi scheme.  Big difference.

I assume by “recover” you mean go back to the speculative $30 piece of crap equity offering it actually is?

Yahoo had a funny clip up yesterday of Musk-o in 2o12 claiming “they’d be profitable from here on out, would never need to raise more cash and would be driving coast to coast on Full Self Drive Autopilot in 2015...”

once they figure out how to make money building cars.

My biggest concern is that now, with so many brokers and apps giving “free” (note: they’re not really free) trades, retail investors are jacking up the market based on emotional factors more so than actual business metrics.

It only takes one look at Tesla's unreal P/E ratio to realize it's in a hilarious bubble. 

“Profit”. Tesla’s profits are hilariously fake, they amortize very heavily and aren’t even remotely close to being in positive cash flow territory. They didn’t sell $5B worth of their own stock because they’re actually profitable.

I went to Best Buy last week, and the person who helped me at pickup was talking about how he had just bought TSLA because he could “finally afford it” after the split.

It’s classic bubble thinking: “the stock will go up because it is being added to the index,” vs “the stock will go up because the underlying fundamentals are good, which incidentally means it will be added to the index.”

You can’t exactly buy this and drive to the grocery store either. But I don’t see why a 1000hp civic would suck as a daily, except maybe needing race gas or E100.

I think I already said this but there are FWD honda civics running an 8 second 1/4 mile, why are people impressed by this?

I know true Tesla stans like to believe that each and every car is created from a soup of pure matter, assembled at the atomic level via beams from Elon Musk’s third eye before having artificial life fucked into them in a beautiful and arcane ceremony involving Elon in a silken robe

Last week I was in Mississippi.  Gas was less than $2 a gallon.  EVs are not going to happen with gas prices like that.

Doesn’t saying that EV subsidies are that effective, essentially admit that EV prices are too high, and that people would buy them if they were at a more reasonable price point?

Definitely not staged.