
Somehow I think that you looking for that Darwin Award will backfire on you, Jussie. I’m not the one spazzing out on the streets looking for a race war, stealing, killing, assaulting and all that with a rap sheet including rape. I’m just chilling in the extreme comfort of my home and travelling around enjoying my

Something to note: “completely stock” might mean using Pilot Sport Cup 2 tires. Which are a totally different ballgame compared to ‘normal’ sporty road tires, as you all probably know.

No, that’s the thing you cunts like to do (with predictable results).

November can’t come soon enough.”

at a time when racial injustice in the United States continues to fuel the summary execution of Black people by police with impunity

Who has Hamilton beaten? Let’s see: Nico Rosberg? Nope, Nico handed Whaamilton his ass.

Tires, wheel alignment (camber, toe-in...), suspension, weight distribution. Wheelbase is a good call too, at least without rear steering.

Oh no, it’s breaking news: Special Porsche model beats Camaro RS!!

See? You, the expert on Black victimhood can’t name a single real victim of police violence due to racism!!!

No they didn’t.

And that’s before turning the engine up. They haven’t had it at maximum today and will not have it anything near maximum tomorrow either.

What do you mean? He has the best car, doesn’t have to really push it that hard, and Bottas was really great today too.

They can do the lap one-by-one, it’s really their choice. But some deliberately push into a crowded bit of track.

Who has been executed due to racist attacks on black people and where?

They already have a marketing token.

Yeah, she won’t be as when she finally gets a bit top-heavy.

Yeah, a great example of empty marketing coupled with barf-level tokenism.

You and other propagandists claim that when a shit-media owned by Steve Jobs’ widow who is a political activist and TDS-cunt claims that secret ‘sources’ have said that right before election that in private conversations Trump would have said some absolutely unbelievable things totally contrary to his character and

Hi Jussie.

Leftists should try to make up their minds (about who they label as ‘evil’ in order to justify stealing from others). Is it that rich families are bad, or big corporations? It seems whoever has money is their target, it’s almost as if it was 100% crystal clear that they are just thieves looking for the most possible