
entitled and insecure white (sometimes orange) men with a fragile ego into a crowd because “law&order”.

That’s what you say when I call out your racism? Triggered?

BTW you are an idiot lemming who has been pumped full of false propaganda.

Who has killed black people?? Where, when?

Now playing

Fuck you, you criminal. You support rapists, murderers, arsonists, thieves, and anti-democracy terrorists.

What do you suggest is in those bullshit links you’re spewing, asshole fuckface rapist paedophile cunt?

Yeah, you go ahead and quote CNN, dickface cunt! Hahahaha, fucking CNN!!! What a loser!

All of what you wrote is bullshit, cunt.

Have fun flagging, cunt. As if you bitches crying about ‘evil facts bad’ would sffect anything.

Fuck off racist.

So today an internet asshole calls the president a fascist...for what? For that lawful holder of elected office calling to bring in OUR law and order, return safety for honest people, to maintain democracy instead of mob rule and terrorism, reign in the fascist mobs of violent terrorists killing, injuring, burning,

Every time he has met with them ever, in improving veteran care, rights, and benefits, in increasing military salaries, in withdrawing them from Obama/Killary/Biden started horrible war zones all around the world from unnecessary wars, in every single public speech about them, in his honoring the flag they fight for,

Having used the ZF system (coupled with a different ICE system and without AWD) for some time, and after hearing no complaints whatsoever from the thousands and thousands driving on roads with BMW’s xDrive AWD versions, I have great faith in its reliability.

No, those are the other new charging product soon to be revealed: lightning rod charging. But you have to hit 88 mph exactly when the lightning hits.

“Jenny, you basic bitch!! That’s the second time you’ve forgotten to disconnect the cable from the car before taking off! This one snapped in half just like that other one. Hehe, they do look a bit like snakes now, don’t they?

How dumb two you feel now, dickhead:

I mean anyone that thinks this vile fucker didn’t say this needs their head examined after it is removed fromt their ass.”