
What kind of an idiot would even believe anything written on supremacist hate-propaganda site The Root??

Well that’s a load of bullshit. You have to be severely deranged to write up or copy such stupid points, such idiotic claims.

Yeah, you probably believe all kinds of stuff since your only form of entertainment is indoctrinating yourself and scouring the net for idiotic conspiracy theories. Fucking loser with no life, and no brains.

How does it feel to be a useful idiot, clicking on fake news media sites to let them fill you with idiotic propaganda.

You dumb fuck:

Well, maybe if you were a journalist you could figure out the multitude of reasons why you shouldn’t have ever believed a word of that fake news bullshit article on the Atlantic.

Wait, you’re saying that CPO coverage extension for 1 year is over $5000 for an X5? Even the $2500 for the Porsche is ridiculous! The most I have ever paid for a Porsche warranty extension for a year is about 1100€.

So a woman has a conversation with another passenger, who takes part in the conversation, and because of that they ban her from the airline. Sure, whatever.

Good thing that BLM-antifa-marxist-terrorist-arsonist-murderer saints never-ever do that!!! I mean they absolutely, positively would NEVER walk in mobs to restaurants and demand everyone raise their fist or kneel down for them!!

crack heads/shoot people”

Go suck a butt, terrorist.

Yes, Dr Fishbone is right: Those people went there to block traffic looking to start fights with civilians around them, and probably kill even more than the large amount they’ve already killed. Then later on they were most likely planning to go violently assault more elderly people as they like to do, then go steal,

Go fuck yourself killer racist antifa-BLM-marxist terrorist.

Best thing to do is not get your junkie rapist buddies to illegally block traffic and try to intimidate, coerce, and disrupt everyones’ lives. They knew what they were doing.

Fuck you, BLM-antifa-democrat-marxist rioters have killed scores of people, viciously assaulted incredibly many, destroyed businesses and burned down buildings adding up to hundreds of millions...

came to the area in the guise of a police car specifically to incite the protesters and actually instigated the conflict.”

You’re siding with antifa-BLM-marxist-terrorist-loser assholes who have so far murdered countless police officers and injured scores, murdered innocent people, stabbed and otherwise viciously assaulted hundreds of people including the elderly, engaged in widespread looting and other theft, destroyed businesses and

Who got run over, asshole?

Yeah, because people don’t have a right to freely move in America because of a handful of terrorists illegally blocking intersections and start crying when you push through??

Go fuck yourself Raphael Orlove. No-one believes your antifa-BLM-marxist-extremist asshole bullshit anymore.