Burn in hell, Trayvon and all the thousands of Darwin award idiot cunts who tried to attack police officers and got themselves laid the fuck out!! Hey Jacob, enjoy the wheelchair you cunt!!!
Burn in hell, Trayvon and all the thousands of Darwin award idiot cunts who tried to attack police officers and got themselves laid the fuck out!! Hey Jacob, enjoy the wheelchair you cunt!!!
Good thing for Kyle then, since he never pointed his weapon at anybody. How running away from them can be interpreted as provocation by pointing his gun at them is beyond me. But then again apparently there’s some kind of melanin deficiency I’m suffering from which prevents me from understanding your amazing genius...
How did he provoke the fight? How does running away provoke a fight, cunt?
Why are you lying?
Well, so far every single claim of “nazi cops shooting an innocent black man” has turned out to be another Jussie: a criminal black asshole being a criminal and police acting correctly. So fuck you cunt.
You racist, race-war flaming black supremacist terrorists are really posting articles about a guy shouting at someone?
Which ones? Go ahead, you can begin. Start formulating the first actual bit of argumentation, please.
Based on me protesting against racism?
Yes, I think he is, so is the author and The Root, and BLM assholes, etc.. I’ve written several messages here to very clearly state my case.
Ah, I misread what your message was about!
Strawman argument, ad-hominem, a lie that Jalopnik can’t condemn The Root’s hate-speech, a lie that Kimi isn’t dog-whistle-called-a-racist, and more ad-hominem.
Another idiot, incapable of addressing my statements because I am 100% correct and you have no response, is frustrated about their impotence so goes ad-hominem and calls me names.
I have done nothing but write AGAINST racism, and those trying to create a divide between people, to stoke up racism.
I have done nothing but write AGAINST racism, and trying to create a divide between people, to stoke up racism.
All you can do is lie. “He says my posts clearly show I’m black” That is a lie which you made up. What kind of a person lies like that?
In what definition of the word hack do you mean?
Now is not the time for him to protest because he would be alone in staying out of the race and therefore would lose money. Whaaaamilton will do nothing that doesn’t serve himself.
Yes, my username is a satirical copy of leftists. There are many leftist organisations with names like that, and it’s ridiculous.
How so?
Yeah, the media spews horrible lies and criminal mobs roam the streets destroying buildings, property, assaulting and killing people (plus of course stealing and looting)!!