Lewis Hamilton is one of the dumbest people on earth. I’m serious about that. He is dumb as a rock.
Lewis Hamilton is one of the dumbest people on earth. I’m serious about that. He is dumb as a rock.
So you too have no ability to answer my questions, thank you for clearing that up.
So you’ve got nothing, and can’t answer either. Got it. Exactly as expected.
Those nutless, hypocrite assholes in NBA and Naomi Osaka didn’t even protest themselves!! They just talked about it and immediately once they noticed they will not be paid fully if they do walk out or refuse to play they went back on everything!
I am not a journalist, dipshit. And I haven’t been spewing any bullshit.
Who has nearly been wiped out a few times? The Spaniards who were invaded by the north Africans? The Italians who were continuously raided by north African raiding parties whose main aim was to capture slaves? Do you know how long those raids into Italy lasted, how recently the last ones were, very close to Rome even??
What racism? You mean the vile, extreme racism plastered in a coordinated way on Kinja’s The Root?
Crazy what your racist black supremacist sick, fucked up head will do, huh?
Your black supremacist racism is 100% clear. Fuck you bottom feeders, you all deserve to go to hell.
“While I always bet on Black.”
Why was my response deleted? I stated the FACT that being black 100% does NOT mean that you are a descendent of slaves, and it does not mean that you are not a descendant of slave owners. It is also a FACT that being white does not mean that your ancestors were slave owners.
They already had their way and got CHOP/CHAZ. What happened there? Well, of course they immediately had their own stormtroopers start policing everyone like absolute psychos, beating everyone. And it took no time at all for them to start shooting unarmed people. That was a small group of people and it took them like…
Lean angle needs more work.
That headline is, of course, deliberately ambiguous to the point of implying that there’s going to be some sort of punitive response to this little kid by the neighbor.
Yeah, um, WTF is this bullshit?
No I’m not, you are. Are you claiming that your idol Jacob didn’t sexually assault a child and a woman?
Since when? All I see is black criminal idiot bitches laid out. Well, that child-molester woman-beater Jacob survived (what colour do you think those surgeons were?) barely, but at least he’s in a wheelchair!
Quick, someone start exporting those to France!!!
Blahblahblah, you think I’m going to watch some Jussie ass video from you, Jussie?