
Why did you call Ben Shapiro an asshole? Why would his wife be self-loathing? Who said anything about women who enjoy sex as dirty and diseased? He talked about the extreme vulgarity, and also about them describing the need for a bucket and a mop.

It did happen.

It seems that what’s left of Jalopnik is in a constant state of panicked rage. Are they getting enough food?

Found the Tesla investor.

Since when have taxi drivers made bank?

Legistlators are just looking for their 15 minutes of fame which will then boost their careers. They are not working for the law, the people, their bureau. They are working for their activist pyramid, putting on shows like this to score ‘wins’ to advertise to others as their achievements.

Very true.

Look at Mr. Melodramatic over here, everyone!

Why would someone supporting a politician who allows everyone to live their lives as they best see fit be victimhood? Why would supporting the anti-corruption, anti-swamp choice be illogical?

I guess I should teach you some basic logic. What the dems are doing is 100% wrong no matter what you think some other people have done in the past, in your opinion (and BTW that absolutley does not include Trump as you should know).

More deranged screeching with absolutely no reason or logic.

But the bigger picture is two opposing factions fighting for the “win” instead of focusing on the necessary steps to secure our stability.”

Yeah, because they don’t own a car so you can’t throw turds in their windows. I guess they’re hoping to do enough looting in the upcoming months (while also spreading china flu all over the country) to gather enough money to buy new cars.

Clickbait is all they’ve got now. I suppose the strategy is to keep trolling every single reader individually to come back to the comments section arguments so they get the clicks.

Every asshole already owns a Tesla. And they look the same whether they’re a used 10 year old slow one or not. No glamour in that anymore, dude.

Meanwhile FCA didn’t give a shit, made billions, and now can just buy one of many off-the-shelf hybrid units and slot them in their cars. A bit simpler than upending the whole company and losing money while doing it, and gaining zero advantage from it.

Jaguar is in trouble, and in its panic has had to try all kinds of stuff. Other companies are making money, why the hell would they instead decide to start making money-losers instead of making billions?

Yet more intelligent posts from mr. human scum himself.

Oh wow, where have I heard a similar but infinitely worse gathering being organised? Hmm... could it be that there have been these left wing mass-gatherings, and not in cars but people walking right next to each other, and not for one cruising day but for every day over many months now?

As if you’d have the balls to say anything to their face, cunt.