
Hi hypocrite, how are you doing?

Thanks for helping us identify you as an asshole.

You can’t live in harmony with people who own political books?

It’s because they don’t have pedophile islands to go to.

A lot of people asked the BLM antifa marxist rioting to be cancelled but you dipshit cunts just kept on going.

Right after you antifa marxist BLM fucktards.

It’s ok: just wear BLM shirts and then they are immune even if they gather together by the thousands every day for months!

No, it’s you who is an idiot. If you can’t muster the logic to understand why your logic is idiotic’s only logical since that would explain your leftism.

No no no, people sitting in their cars, outside, is absolutely horrible and will definitely spread corona to everyone!!!! But marching around in the thousands every day for months in the ‘protests’ causes absolutely no spread whatsoever.

Both sides my ass. The democrats (the historic slavery party) are the ones holding up the aid. How fucked up do you have to be to pretend that it isn’t the democrats causing the problem? Don’t you have any backbone? You really want to live in a world where extremist politics by ANY means necessary is considered not

They haven’t what have all those mass gatherings every day for months been about then??

Yeah, one cruise is so much worse than daily rioting by the thousands every day for months.

You are a pedophile.

You’ve been doing a lot of that for the BLM assholes?

Why not just name it MLM (Maga Lives Matter) and then they are allowed to gather in the thousands every day for months with your blessing. Also they’ll then be allowed to rightfully riot, break stuff, steal, loot, beat up and kill people too, with full mainstream media support.

Sounds like a questions someone of your intellect would have to ask.

Yeah, or if all the protests and riots were stopped.

Really, those are boomers out there gathering by the thousands, rioting every day???

So you’re saying that there is a difference between cruising in a car (and people walking outside, no-one can yet be sure if it will be crowded) and the fucking dipshits rioting out every fucking night?

Fuck you, and everything about you asshole.