
Maybe that old man had been ‘protesting’.

...but I thought that rebelling against authority, the rules was ‘brave’ and ‘socially conscious’ and good in every way? Funny how when that flag says “Trump” instead of “BLM” your whole rhetoric does a 180 flip...

Oh, but maybe they were having a BLM protest, in which case china-flu is not contagious...

So rich. Jalopnik, how’s your staff doing? Pretty all-white, huh? How many black kids have you mentored and hired, Raphael?

Lewis got his ass handed to him by Nico fucking Rosberg. Lewis sucks.

It’s just another way for asshole Whaamilton to try to cause trouble for his competitors.

I don’t care what the ‘cause’ (PR campaign to further Whaamilton’s image) is: I’d never participate in anything Lewis orders me to.


Fucking entitled douchebag Hamilton has been handed the top spot in F1 on a silver platter, he has been given EVERYTHING a race car driver could ever wish for and multiple times more than their imagination would even allow to dream to be possible.

Excuse me, but F1 is not a corporation full of rich white dudes, but it is a sport founded by, built up, run year-on-year, for decades until it became what it is today by “white dudes”.

Cool story, bro.

I just wish that I was welcomed into “Black Formula 1" the same way as Lewis was welcomed into “White Formula 1"...

Hamilton is the biggest one percenter there is. He has been handed everything on a silver platter since his early teens, given a straight path with the best teams in the business, had everything in his life taken care of for him from school, to training, to pr...

Too bad you’re just an unintelligent internet scum shitposter, who complains about other people’s posts and calls them names even though you’re completely unable to engage in a discussion about the subject.

True, but one would think that people would take the climactic/regional things like that into consideration when planning their infrastructure and how they plan to live their lives.

What industry have you contributed to? The bullshit and time-wasting industry that only has a negative effect on society.

Haha, you actually remove messages that are against your stupid cultist views? Shows how totalitarian fascists you leftist assholes have to be to save face. You are an anti-science cunt.

Haha, Kinja actually removes stars that people give to comments like yours!! Seriously, this site is a great example of why human beings are immoral monsters capable of things like stalinism.

Yes, because that’s what unintelligent girls are like. Nothing but feelings and rebellion against all virtual ‘dads’, really you’re saying F-U to rationality, science, progress, responsible management of society...

You are completely wrong.