
I never said that emissions controls would kill the performance car. I don’t know what and who you are replying to.

That’s what black interiors are for.

Said it before, will say it again. Civilisation = good. The more civilisation and better roads, the less shitty of a 3rd world car you have to buy. Take care of the roads and you don’t need to add a ton of weight to the vehicle to lug around everywhere, don’t have to make the car a lot worse by adding more suspension

...but then you won’t get the privilege of running red lights, riding on the sidewalk and parking wherever the hell you want etc.

Well, they’re almost single-use anyway.

Articles like this give me reason to put off that purchase of a new bike or e-bike and want to get a new motorcycle, and one with an even bigger engine that I thought I’d get before to offset the latest loss of power due to the newest incredibly strict emissions regs.

Yes, and these idiots don’t even understand that in extremely many cases like mine, my modern ICE car pollutes far less than having a new EV manufactured and in its place would. I have very detailed studies and can also prove that in my suburban life my modern ICE car, the way I use it, pollutes easily less CO2 and

Sometimes in the morning when the only way I can wake myself up is by moving my finger to the adjustable bed’s ‘lift’-button, I ponder if I should add some wheels to it, a motor and joystick control. Waking up would be even easier if it not only raises me to the most comfortable seating position in the world, but it

The only real test of ‘cool’ and ‘not cool’ is if it gets stolen immediately. 

Made in china by slave labour to finance the genocide of Uyghurs (when’s our turn?) and crush Hong Kong. And your house might burn down. And it’s no doubt 99% a copy of western tech and inventions.

Not intelligent enough battery chargers, no heat control: batteries have a very short life on toys like that.

Unsafe, not good for the environment either (not that idiots like the writer of the article have any ability to even start analysing that or even mean to seek truthful outcomes), too low-tech for batteries meaning they will not last long and there will be lots of battery and bike junk around soon, not only expensive

Yes, most of mainstream media get their main earnings from fake news articles which are paid for by advertisers, whether their companies and corporations or political parties or bureaucracies they’re still just marketing/PR dressed up into fake news.

Not for the environment either.

It never ceases to amaze me that people, even ones claiming to know something about environmental mattes, ones who claim to be college educated and have a clue about the scientific method, still don’t understand in any way, shape of form what ‘clean’, ‘dirty’, ‘emissions’, ‘CO2', etc. mean.

You don’t even have any idea what I’m talking about. You have no clue about the auto industry. No clue about automotive technologies.

Defa, not Defat.

Oh, nice, you already came to the conclusion that you can’t win a debate against me and decided to capitulate. And are so frustrated about it that you decided to call me a hater.

I’ve seen that happen. There are so many situations when there isn’t even any force trying to push the tire off the wheel...

I can easily believe that Tesla has fucked up their casting process or installation of the part in some major way that with any real car manufacturer would be impossible. Tesla often wipes their ass with industry best practices, takes shortcuts like crazy, makes rookie mistakes, is often found to get hurt by lack of