
You actually thought that was a smart question?

No, that’s just him trying to back-paddle. And even then he is saying IF the people get anything at all!!

What, don’t communists make great computers? They must be awesome in Venezuela! No? Cuba then?

I don’t know if it makes people feel any better, but there are literally tens of thousands of similar assholes in the public sector spending that much tax payer money and more, living it up on money which they will in no way provide any balancing valuable services for. The public sector just does it legally.

You’re raising your kids to become cock-knockers?

Oh, I won already? Sure you want to stop debating and capitulate so soon?

Hi dipshit shitposter. What the fuck are you doing in a debate? Try to grow some balls, work up some courage to try to actually debate instead of being a fuckwit asshole cunt trying to make a childish, snarky, idiotic shitpost. But hey, I understand: not everyone has the brains (or balls) to actually engage in a

Always more civilised than you, and I have actually been debating unlike you, trolling shitposter cunt.

Wow, you seem super intelligent with all those sharp observations about the subject. And not lazy at all with your eloquent and hard-hitting argumentation against what I wrote. But most of all I must commend how you are anything but a cowardly, nutless a-hole with no backbone since you didn’t just resort to cheap victi

Are you surprised? Musk has once made a semi-Trump-supporting comment. Which of course means that there are no ifs or butts: he must be destroyed.

...or use an actual parachute which is literally made of gold.

Yeah, LiveWire is absurdly loud.

Found the guy who is totally clueless about the subject.

No-one can form an alliance with Ratan Tata, they know it wouldn’t work out.

...and Mercedes Benz bailed them out. They would’ve 100% been history if it wasn’t for them getting bailed out then.

Yeah that’s right: just like rioting is a crime, resisting arrest is a crime, not complying with orders an officer gives you, etc.! Those BLM rioters should do what the police says and not break the law!!

Yeah, but Mexico on the other hand, wow!! A country full of genius!! Or Venezuela, FUCK YEAH!!! 

So brave, running your mouth on the internet. I bet you’ve never said anything to them in real life. I mean literally haven’t even have the courage to say “hi”.

Why don’t you buy a computer and software made by a communist country it’ll work better?

There you go again. Always a great combo for you clowns to be not only complete assholes, but totally unaware narcissist, belligerent ragers without once single iota of a fucking clue or a fucking ounce of life experience, responsibility or understanding.