
A clueless idiot cunt kid spews shit. Shocking. Go fuck yourself.

Yeah, hush-hush about all democrats’ vile racism!!! Racism doesn’t matter?

I’m the type to support getting rid of the democratic party due to its horrible history of racism and slavery.

No, you are either a corrupt person who is involved, or just a useful idiot who has been brainwashed (after all, they’ve done that to you for your whole life). Because you have to be completely illiterate or a complete liar to ‘not know’ about all the cases of what I’ve mentioned. They’ve been big news, and they’ve

Well this case is clear-cut then: you are not only saying that it’s untrue but that it’s insane to even suggest, even though it is a concrete fact that there have been MULTIPLE cases, I mean really many, plastered all over the newspapers about everything I said. It is a fact that there have been continuous revelations

You only made like 2 points, both invalid:

Funny how you are completely unable to shoot down any of my argumentation then.

Blahblahblah maybe I’m not American at all, dipshit.

What effect does continuous, massive immigration have on congestion?

Yeah, actually I’m considering ditching my car. And getting a truck, several dirt bikes and a naked bike.

So you don’t have an answer then...

translation = jm1551 once again has no response and has lost the debate.

If they suffer and die within the walls of a horrible socialist government institution and they are marked in the statistics as “cared for” even if they were not then everything is ok because the statistics say so? You really believe that the socialist countries will have their socialist healthcare bureaucracies

Good, then you can be tied to your hospital bed, laying in your own feces for days, drugged to be ‘easier to manage’. You will be denied treatment if they feel like it or feel like saving some money (your tax burden will not be decreased of course, it will remain over 70% up to 75% depending on if you ask the

Haha, that’s really what your uneducated low-IQ little brain came up with?? Hahaha!

Well, BLM is racist and you don’t seem to have a problem with that?

Your post reminds me that we still have Pelosi, rapist-Clinton, Castro, Il-sung, Chavez, Maduro, Stalin, etc. etc. etc. apologists on here.

Ah, here we go, an idiotic straw man argument.

I know you want to have sex with him, physically love and caress him, but I don’t think your sexual fantasies are relevant to the topic right now.

Yeah, Pelosi is bad.