
Where are you going to come up with the money a few months later when the streets are once again filled with homeless people? And if you manage it a second time, then a few months later where are you going to pull the money out of for the third time?

This. If you think rich capitalists are horrible people, wait until you see what thousands of greedy/desperate government, union, ‘NGO’, politician etc. public sector mobsters can do, especially when conspiring together to defraud the taxpayers.

Just as every single time: for some reason you feel the need to try to push a sick ideology and since you can’t defend it or base it on facts or the truth you resort to despicable lies. You are a liar.

Just vote for socialism and you won’t even have a car since those are evil and must be replaced with public transport only. (And even if some cars are around they will specifically be so expensive that only rich people can afford them, just like is the case in 100% of socialist countries)

Since all the other healthcare providers are so expensive and the health insurance companies too, then you will have no problem absolutely ricking the whole health care market with the health care providing company and health insurance company you create!!

Democrats caused the homelessness boom you illiterate, wilfully ignorant shithead, cunt, motherfucker, bitch, dickhead, fuckface, poopy pants, boogerface, Stalin, Goebbels, Pol Pot motherfucker!

Fuck you liar, in a country of your ‘prime example’ socialist health care: gastroscopy wait time: 3 years. And zero ability to choose your provider or insurer unlike you do.

You mean Kinja ‘journalists’? Like those who allow race-hate-sites like the Root operate?

No, it’s you who is clueless. You have no idea what socialist ‘health care’ is or means. That idiotic anecdotal fake news you just posted is from a lying POLITICIAN!! In Finland there is no such thing as free health care because the provider decides for you what they feel like providing you with. They can just say

Trump is the best thing to happen for American employment, prosperity and future growth.

No-one is stopping you from providing health care and housing to all of America if you so choose.

Fuck every single democrat (the party with a history of fighting for slave owning) public servant who has caused the massive homelessness.

A lunatic? Pelosi, Newsom, Garcetti, Breed etc. are not one person.

Leaving the room without using the door. (A British way to say there was an explosion)

You know what, you’re right: not a lot of engineering being done in Venezuela, Cuba or North Korea. Or do you think their passenger airliners are better than capitalist Boeing, Airbus, Bombardier, Embraer, Dassault, Gulfstream etc.?

Wow, how can you have trouble using this site when you seem to be such an amazing IT expert (and overall genius), having just learned how to take screen shots and paste them onto your comments and everything!! (Also I have no idea what the point of that is...)

You have an incredible talent of spewing the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen over, and over, and over again. You always surprise by being able to yet again top yourself even when we think it just isn’t possible.

Nice hobo-rambling, racist cunt.

Probably Belgian though.

Yes, because you don’t create value for others, you take away. You take, wear down, hinder, spend others for your own vain attempt to punish your father.