
Go to all the black societies and marvel at their magnificently diverse museums. Then report back to us.

You move to any black-led society and teach them that. Go ahead, the old trusty “go back to Africa” really does hold a hell of a lot of truth which you would start crying about immediately. You can’t even look in that direction. Not even a glance. Snowflake.

What about black history? Meaning not only the American part? You wanna elaborate on the whole history? No? Go fuck yourself, you lying cunt.

Why don’t you start a new career, teaching history in Africa?

Yes, why not be so intelligent as to suggest that the most successful society in the world shuts up and lets some idotic racists spread racism?

How would you analyse that the the Blackness Chart doing in all the black-run countries? Are you going to start crying now, cunt?

Hmm, black genius (it’s ok for me to say that since “analysing a race’s culture’s impact on the way of thought is a good thing according to you and idiots like you), let me think! Could it be because for normal civilised people, those with an ability to use logic instead of blind racial hatred, racism is bad? What do

Yeah, they should’ve added “the Black way”? The “Brown way”? Haha, let’s see how many ‘tears’ would be shed on the listing of what ‘embedded black culture and values are’ in the world?

Nice bigoted, racist rant, asshole.

Racist loser.

What exactly is wrong with white ladies? Do you want to further explain your blatant racism? Any other races you want to commit hate crimes against?

Yeah, as much as you piece of shit are fine with blatant racism and bigotry...

“That is neither the time, nor the place to be waxing poetic about some dumbass putting themselves in harm’s way for some fresh clicks.”

He’s too busy breaking records on how racist he can be.

That is antifa-level stupidity. You morons have no clue how the society you live in works, and yet you tirelessly keep running your mouths and ranting around.

You might call it an extreme example of caucasity”

Aaand...another vile racist. Why don’t you just call her a cracker, since that’s what you want to do?

So this whole site is a hate-crime fest?


But hey, why not just be racist and spew a load of hate-crime anyway? I mean that’s what the ‘man’ (bitch) is paid to do?