
Where is the report-button for Michael Harriot? Where can I report this obscene, long text of racism which is basically one long hate-crime?


The report notes that some Renault Zoe leases are entirely covered by subsidies, while another company offers all-electric Smart cars for 9.90 euros a month. They are having a hard time meeting demand.

Yes, Tesla probably played a big role in EU’s stupid and unethical subsidies for EVs which are not CO2-graded at all (considered zero emission even though of course they are not). As did VW’s cheating scandal. As VW is a corruption-based company their strategy was just to pivot aggressively and have their corruptly

You are a blatant, vile racist. You are making sweeping judgments about me solely based on the colour of my skin. Furthermore you are also belligerent and simply against me due to the colour of my skin.

Yes, I have a problem being assessed by the colour of my skin = racism.

Your response to blatant racism is: “thin skin.”??

No, I proved without a doubt that you and others here are racist, wrong, criminals and anti-democratic assholes.

How stupid can you be?

No, it is an apt display of how their logic is false. That revealed the fallacy presented.

Go fuck yourself, racist extremist belligerent anti-democratic dickhead. Go ahead and try to steal stuff from others through threat of violence, fucking criminal, see where that gets you.

By the way I’m not a racist like you. I don’t fixate on race. I look at every citizen equally under the law, and have no reason to consider race.

If you’re full of hate and are actually not a part of civilised society at all, instead waging a guerrilla war, then what the F are you complaining about police treating you unfairly for, or incarcerating you? That’s exactly what should happen to you in that case.

If you’re trying to make a joke you failed. Because that is literally what a large amount of marxist or otherwise leftist or just f’ed in the head planners and politicians are literally aiming for.

Rounding up jews, or rounding up people who oppose your evil terrorism, both rounding up people outside the law and you deserve to go to jail.

So you are proving me to be 100% correct and you’re very strongly saying that BLM is a terrorist organisation working far away from the law and definitely against democracy. Not surprising seeing as founders/leaders of BLM have admitted to being marxists.

Yes, I’m sure that you are hungry to be a part of a violent killer mob terrorist group. Good for you. You just advocated hate crimes and violence, actually stating that you would like to be “behind them”. If I’m not mistaken that is incredibly illegal according to the law and might land you in serious trouble, and not

Oh, and by the way: breaking the law by illegally blocking roads, surrounding vehicles and threatening people with violence is not ‘protesting’, that is illegal thuggery and rioting. That factually _did_ happen in cases that the article is talking about. Liar idiot.

Is that what you think about Charlottesville protests? No-one but that one man who plowed into the protesters with a car was bad?

No, people want certain things and government is a way of organising that. People don’t want to live how insane leftist fascists want to force them to live in order to benefit themselves (and hurt their perceived enemies).