
What’s your problem? You can’t understand such a simple and important thing like how our society works? How hard is your life if you can’t fathom that, hahaha!!

So what is your problem? I guess you’re one of the masses of such incredibly unintelligent idiots that you don’t understand that being pulled over by the cops is not a punishment? What’s your problem, are you from one of those cultures or are you one of those F’ed in the head people who think that having an officer of

Hahaha, who cares? A lot of people claim to be harassed by the IRS, should we abolish the IRS? Really many students claim to be harassed by teachers, I guess according to your idiot logic we should therefore abolish schools? People who get fines for travelling on the subway without tickets routinely claim to be

You're wrong, he is right.

So you’re saying that one cop acting wrong means that all cops and the whole concept of policing is wrong?

Why don’t you cry about it, loser.

People like you who don’t understand life is what’s the problem. Being pulled over is not a problem, it’s not a punishment, it’s a part of life when you’re driving.

Being pulled over is not a punishment. Neither is being arrested. But all you completely brainless idiots don’t even know how society and the justicesystem in you country works, so...

You sound like a complete idiot with nothing intelligent to say or anything positive to contribute to anyone, but you spew lots of hatred and judgement. With what muscles? Narcissist idiot.

You really are a vehement racist.

Neither is BLM.

You have zero logic. There’s nothing wrong in the way Trump talks about Mexicans, or illegal immigrants crossing the southern border either. But you’re just a low-IQ, lazy narcissist lynch-mob asshole so who cares.

What scum you are. Total scum. You go grovel about saying anything bad about Charlottesville protesters just because one guy committed an act of violence? No wait, you’re a childish hypocrite who doesn’t care about anything except saying anything to further your stupid angles.

When will you realise that maybe you are not judge, jury and executioner? What made you into such a crazy narcissist? Your insane mob? Your parents never disciplining you and telling you you’re always right? 

You really are quite the narcissist, aren’t you?

Holy shit that post was the most obnoxious piece of shit I’ve ever seen. You’re actually adding in those childish a-hole frustrated loser activist hand claps??

Maybe you could be less narcissistic and not assume you know better than Afshin Behnia. But you never considered that, did you? I mean you must know everything and be able to make snap judgements about libellous claims like someone being a racist...

You sound proud of that.

Take your inquisition bullshit to some shithole country please, don’t make the USA into a shithole country where you can libel anyone and ruin their lives using mob criminality.

Hey, hateful libel is easy and those asshole millennials feel like doing it so why not? It’s not as if they’ll ever face any consequences so they don’t care if it’s right or wrong. All they care about is doing what they feel like at this second, no matter if like BLM it’s totally undemocratic, violent, mob-rule,