
Please inform us what is so disturbing about discussion about violence in connection with protests. Were you up in arms when people denounced Charlottesville protests because of that one act of violence too? Or are you a lowlife hypocrite as I suspect?

Days are over with nuance.”

Please elaborate.

You’re an example of a person full of hate and shit, and never amounted to anything positive.

BLM founders themselves have informed us that they are marxist activists. BLM operates outside the law, outside democracy. It uses force to grab power from the infirm, weak and meek.

What an intelligent comment.

Yeah, and note that these insane inquisitors are demanding that you are actively fighting racism even when not discussing the subject!! You can be discussing reactions to violent acts and these assholes will libel you, doxx you, and hound you unlawfully if they feel like it.

Found the racist.

You don’t have to ask: the BLM supporters are hypocrites and evil power-mongers with no respect for the truth whatsoever. They will not just lump any and all protesters with any single criminal act if they disagree with the protesters’ subject, they will even LIE about what the President of the United States said

Yes, there has been destruction. Lawless, undemocratic mobs have used violence and destruction, as well as threats thereof which is against the law. Period.

It is a fact that undemocratic and destructive mobs have been wreaking havoc in the expressed purpose of intimidation in order to force their will undemocratically and outside the law. Period.

I know you’re a wanker, please keep it down around civilised people though.

What do you mean lack of information? It’s a fair assessment, and he has a right to make assessments and have opinions.

Not it does not. Especially when that subject has not even been touched upon. If someone references the resulting violence of someone, that is a subject matter in and of itself.

He literally did now write anything racist.