Gillian Holroyd

She so was. I firmly believe she dyed her hair pink on purpose because she’s the best but she knew the others couldn’t wrap their heads around it so she hid it under the scarf.

Hmmm I was just thinking of Bobby’s comment. I think now that Grease is just a modern retelling of Romeo and Juliet. They’re from two different worlds and can never be together. So at the end, I think they kill themselves off screen. And the whole carnival is just those final few seconds of a fever dream they have as

Grease prepared me for regularly seeing 30 year olds playing high school students.

I think Danny and Rizzo understood each other better than anyone. The knowing looks he gave her when he first acted a fool in front of Sandy? That was clearly a cry for help.

spanked their 14-year-old daughter with a hockey stick and a jump rope

Really? I’ve heard from many that Jamie was the worst part and Dakota kind of saved it.

Came here to see if anyone remembers this, was not disappointed.

Awww, come on! Have you ever been to Arizona? Try not to judge us by this idiot or by “Sheriff Joe” Arpaio. Most of us are just regular, sane human beings. Now I’m gonna go outside in my shorts and t-shirt on this lovely January night and walk the dog.

Interesting that this shot is cropped at her waist, as opposed to how a head shot is usually cropped - you know, like a head shot.

Is that guy genuinely concerned about being filmed or assaulted or put in a vulnerable position? Is there a history of gay men making straight men uncomfortable or outright assaulting them that stretches back to the origin of our species?

I disagree with claims that she looks like a bigger idiot. She isn’t a scholar or a social scientist. She’s an actor. What she said is fine and as a woman she has the agency to talk about gender like that, especially when endlessly prompted to by every single outlet hat interviews her. Not her problem that folks who

Call me backwards or old fashioned, but *do not want.*

But see... there’s the problem. Men’s worst case scenario: What if I embarrass myself in front of a woman? Women’s worst case scenario: What if some perv is checking me out and harasses/assaults me?

This exactly. I have no problem at all with transwomen or any women in the bathroom or changing room or showers or whatever because they are women. But it’s just denying reality to suggest that there aren’t plenty of men out there who are sexually aggressive towards women- leering, harassment, stalkish behaviors, etc.

it’s not wise to believe “it’s ok for cops to crack the skulls of people I don’t like,” ‘cos eventually they’ll find or be given a reason to crack your skull.

House of Mirth? Because I’m pretty sure that’s where it started for me.

Definitely read this as “Watch Wet perform their very weak single.” I was like damn Jez, that is harsh.

I wanted Fallon Fox to compete in the women’s MMA division. Man, I was right there with her. Right up until September 13, 2014. That was the day Fox stepped into the ring with Tamekka Brent.

My similar experience shows the opposite observation. Men have a huge advantage over women at the same weight, all things being equal.