Gillian Holroyd

I mean she is pretty. Lets not take it away from her that despite what every neckbeard in the world says with "3/10 would not bang," there probably isn't a cis-hetero male in the North-Western hemisphere of any stripe who wouldn't if they could.

Thank goodness the guy didn’t have money, or they’d never have been able to tell if he intended to pay or not. Seriously, the kill kit should have been enough evidence by itself that he didn’t plan to pay.

Fucking yup. If some maniac attempts to beat me to death, damn right I can tell my story for money if I so choose. Fuck this whining woman beater.

This is like that post saying the rapper dresses like a slaveowner, but of course we’re not implying that he supports slavery, how dumb would it be to think that? But if that’s not what you’re saying, then why bring it up at all? If it’s just a story about a woman jumping to her death (and Jezebel doesn’t usually

I enjoy my false outrage as much as the next person, but do you really think these people stood idly by as someone killed themselves or were they simply unaware of what was going on until it was too late?

Lol, one of my favorite stories to tell about how my mother is a bit of a selfish tone-deaf idiot has to do with when she was moving house - one of the places we looked at was a four-story Victorian in York, PA, that had a huge central staircase from the top of the house to the bottom. On the top landing, I mentioned

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Like Kristen Johnston on Sex in the City.

I’d also be more sympathetic if he’d lost social capital, and not only sexual capital. Cause while he might no longer turn heads, you bet people still pay attention to him and listen to what he has to say at work, in social situations, and even when he walks into a store.

Don’t worry, we still have Bigfoot.

Funny thing, I’m in approximately the same boat as Frau von Hatchet, and found her post on-point and amusing. Where is all the hatred of men you claim to see? She’s laughing because dude is finding out what it’s like to be sidelined because of ageing, just like all women do. That’s not the same as hating men, and

Tony could do what my husband did. Start telling Dad Jokes. The waitresses love them!

I have a new neighbor with full facial tattoos. Seems nice enough, will cut my grass for $30 and despite both him and his wife being extra open about their psychiatric histories I’ve yet to call the cops on them. But man, finding work has to suck.

I wonder how many not-unattractive 47 year old women Tony “notices.”

Between sips of his Mimosa, Eisenberg’s eyes widened. He waved for his personal masseuse to stay her hand. It was then that he realized the many ways his penthouse suite at ComicCon was not unlike the attic of the Anne Frank House.

Honestly, the only film/play previous to the seventies that I can think of that dealt with acquaintance rape at all realistically? A Streetcar Named Desire.

I’m glad you know what every single poor family is/was like.

Wow, really? No. Even us poors allow our children to keep the money that they earn themselves.

I’m 54 - so right there WRT age. I was date raped in 1975 - I was 15. We didn’t have the words then to describe what happened to us. It’s unfair to ascribe current thinking to a 40 year old situation. They were children in a situation they didn’t know how to process.

Thinking there is more to a story is pretty normal in regards to any news, but for you to then jump to THAT conclusion...

“whether drugs were involved or not seems pretty irrelevant.” what the fuck...