MGLS - FuckItAll℞ Part 1

I can totally relate to this, I work in the game industry (graphics\gameplay programmer) and we have tons of NDAs, I know a lot of stuff, back then I knew how the ps3 looked, I knew that Microsoft was probably going to acquire an important studio at some point, I obviously knew about the games I worked on, but

If you mean Wesley Snipes is going to play him in the remake, I’m gonna be pissed.

RIP Radio Raheem :(

Vigilante teen is a strong black principled teen, and we’ve all seen this movie before.

Hey. Just wanted to say that you guys get an awful lot of shit but frankly this is the only place I see actual JOURNALISM about games.

“...because the enemy team is there”

They are open now that Kotaku is no longer part of Gawker media?

We’ve continued to reach out to Ubisoft and Bethesda for comment over the years regardless of their positions vis a vis our site. and had asked for comments about The Division before. Recently I heard from Ubisoft that they’d be amenable to doing interviews again, so we talked and I told them that I’ve been wanting to

I don’t think so either....they are finally getting out this magical answer of a game update patch now at the worst possible time. Right after the vast majority of regular players (such as myself) have walked away from the game bored AND right smack in the middle of the Holiday release calendar.

I wish them luck but I seriously doubt anyone is going to be returning to The Division at this point regardless of how great the revamp ends up being. At best they hold on to the few players they have with maybe a marginal increase in player count. Even if the improvements are great it will be one hell of a tough sell

Elephant in the room: who reached out first? Kotaku or Ubisoft?

As with most frivolous lawsuits, she is just out to make a buck. I suspect his endorsements were her main source of income, and him being without that plus all the legal fees have left her broke. It is not the fault of the Subway corporation that she married him.

That’s what Subway’s lawyers are going to argue. She’s basically saying “but for” Subway’s concealment of his proclivities, she wouldn’t have married him. That seems like a bit of a stretch to me.

Did the wife not have any inclination before this story broke?? Were their no red flags?? Not asking to blame, just very curious and frankly frightened that someone capable of this didn’t even raise red flags to his own spouse.

In Japan, 13 years is the ‘legal age of consent’ ofcourse people will not stand for perversions and such, also lusting after a 14 year old is not pedophelia as their bodies are developed/developing and thus falling under Ephebophilia or Hebephilia. But these are fictional characters with squidhair so i guess it’s just

I think that would be more of icthyphilia. I don’t think thats illegal but I’m sure HIGHLY frowned upon.

“Look this mother fucker tried to kill my father” fucking love that skit

Surprisingly, the only question I had in response to reading this is, why double peace?

Seeing as how you’re holding out for it, it’d be the Blue Balls Edition, naturally.

Oh man do you really want to make that statement on the internet? I mean this is like not even near the bottom of the pathetisad barrel.