No, no, nope, nu uh, no way, nu uh, nada, no.
No, no, nope, nu uh, no way, nu uh, nada, no.
I’ll just keep my replies to one thread. Your FPS response makes no sense. Designing a game for a less powerful system and porting it to a new one wouldn’t account for issues with higher resolution. Either the new console is powerful enough to handle those resolutions or it isn’t. The resolution has nothing to do with…
So they’ll grow the controllers and double battery life?! Nintendo truly is magical! Is this after they redesign them or before?
Well you just replied to all of his opinions with your own, differing opinions. Meaning that neither of you are right, you just have different opinions.
“Things that will be fixed...”
We’re past the few hardware headaches that will be patched out. Here are a few things that tell me this whole thing was rushed and not thought out:
That is exactly it man. Jurors aren’t often chosen based on bias. Lawyers sift through jurors based on whether those jurors will or will not benefit the case. Suits are filed geographically, it is a strategy. It may be easier to get a guilty verdict on a southern person if you try them up north. Or trying an African…
Sorry about your loss, but fuck that guy for putting his dangerous adrenaline bullshit ahead of his wife and kids.
Why would they? The PC Bang owner doesn’t care whether or not their customer is cheating in a game, they only care that the customer pays. If they start disabling installation of cheat software, then they start losing business to their competitors who don’t.
“So why have I joined the hand-wringing over this?”
Well I would say sure its draconian but its Disney and that’s a kids friendly MMO so of course you don’t want bad language being used. BUT on the other hand Disney has practically been whoring out their kid actors for YEARS so a bad word here and there doesn’t seem all that bad
Keep sharing it until someone points out the article date is actually seven years ago?
The same thing we do with all the other archaic and outdated content.
“man where the fine a s s penguin b i t c h e s at” is how you can always circumvent these rules.
It is both Disney and for like 7 year olds, I can’t say I’m surprised.
I’ve identified a bug in Kinja: I only seem to be able to star you once. That won’t do.
“The old iceberg is melting away on March 29" - If this club’s closure is not concrete evidence that global warming exists, I don’t know how else to convince you.
Those were all middle-aged dudes on that iceberg, weren’t they?