MGLS - FuckItAll℞ Part 1

I was trying to be nice. :p

You are correct. I won’t be in such a situation because I do not do things that land me in front of a judge.

This guy gets it. Opinions ≠ Facts.

Remember a time when if you shipped a device with hardware / software defects it could bankrupt your company and allow a competitor to eat your lunch because they took the time to polish shit before they sold it?

If Nintendo wanted to fix it, they would have before it was sent to be manufactured.

“You can beg all you want but things that will obviously be fixed and your personal opinions don’t disprove his statement personal opinions.”

Those plastic cases are rigid as fuck! I’m not saying you’re wrong at all, I just can’t wrap my mind around how they’re destroying those discs! Even attempting to snap one in half if it’s packed in cardboard is remarkable.

I can hardly get my PS4 to operate if COD IW is running in the background, even at the main menu for the game, nothing loading. I’ve had the menu UI lock up for upwards of five seconds.

How do they destroy a DVD in a game case that has been packed properly?

I could just imagine a true jury of my peers. They’d all be judgmental pricks, full of eye rolling angst and hate. I’d be screwed!

I like Uber and Untermac.

I used to make so many frankenstein creations when I worked there.

One of us.

Yeah, it was rhetorical.

So, what you’re saying is juries award settlements most based on if they like someone or not and it has little to do with the merit of the case...

Ha! AHAHAa! That’s some funny shit. That’s akin to saying if a player finds a glitch and uses it in competitive mode that it should be allowed because it’s totes in the game! /wipes laughter tears from eyes

Please and thank you. The asshole who came up with this service should be subjected to the biggest botnet on the planet.

I really, really, really enjoy getting the occassional “fuck you faggot” from COD players I curb stomped into oblivion. But sadly that’ll have to be sacrificed and I will indeed go back to Friends Only communications.

What do you mean? It’s NOT legit when I get hit by four messages saying “OVERWATCH CODES FOR FREE! HURRY UP AND CLICK THIS LINK BEFORE BLIZZARD BLOCKS THE CODE!”???

It’s a cheap and dirty tactic used by players who aren’t as skilled in game. Just call it what it is. :)