MGLS - FuckItAll℞ Part 1

Two words, willful ignorance. That's what is wrong with society and you're practicing it right the fuck now.

HD Homerun, perhaps?

No no, people are lazy and willfully ignorant. "Oh, I don't actually read these important dialog boxes. I just X out of them. It'll be fine to never read them!"

Essentially someone put Professional on your POS instead of Enterprise to... save money? And now that you're having hassles because of it, it's MS fault? :/

Your comment sucks and no one is recommending it for a reason, Einstein.

You can just expand the search box? That is its natural state and wouldn't require you to have to click twice to use it. Winkey+R still opens run, too.

“People don’t get it.” By your own admission, you can say that again.

Origin works 100% fine with Windows 10. Have you uninstalled it completely and reinstalled it?

Windows 10 is not a cancer. IGNORANCE is a cancer.

Is there something different from Win 10's privacy policy you don't find in any of the competitors? I'm down for a lesson.

I only had one PC out of five(?) that had any issues using the upgrade path. Though it did take a lot of time to fix that issue, it was still only 1 out of 5.

No, not everyone would. Though I admit it would get a subsection of cheap people to upgrade, a lot of people hold out due to ignorance.

I appreciate your honesty. Though I politely prod you to make the change yourself, for the rest of our sakes. =)

Privacy destroying features such as...?

If you want to, you can Google some screenshots of Windows 10 and see how it differs from 7. I can honestly say not too much, though there are changes. The start menu itself is more a hybrid between what you use now on 7 and the Metro tiles from 8. So you have your vertical list and attached to that list you can

See: vaccines.

^ This. It clearly states on the screen how to reschedule or stop the upgrade. But since people fucking hate reading so damned much, tada, Windows 10. "I don't read anything, I just click the red X." I expect that out of my tech illiterate father - but Patrick? Fer shame.

Back your information up and do a clean install. It's not fun for the whole family, but that should solve your issues unless you have some hardware going bad. UPlay is a pain in the ass to get your games re-downloaded but Steam and Origin play nice if you restore your backups properly.