MGLS - FuckItAll℞ Part 1

After 5 years, have you cleaned the fans inside that thing? If you can open it up, I'd recommend doing that. Especially if you have pets, long hair, smoke, etc.

Small business?

What tweaks are you referring to? Windows 10 - sans the modified start menu that everyone wanted back - looks and functions so similar to 7 that at first blush you'd be hard pressed to tell the difference. You boot directly to your desktop. You can pin all your software to your taskbar like 7, create shortcuts on the

Only a poorly ran hospital has to worry about KittyReaven's scenario. But from what I've read, most hospitals are poorly ran.

You know, if you created backups like you should, you wouldn't fear any work eating malware. :3

What’s a better way to go about doing this? Read through the posts here on Kotaku alone and you’ll find a plethora of people who have no fucking clue what they’re talking about. They fall back on vague concepts as to how 7 is better than 8 or 10, how 8 is better than 10, yada yada, when the changes are literal

What makes 10 so terrible compared to 8? Though I hope you mean 8.1.

It is better than 7. Literally. It's 7 with improvements. Can you explain, in a non-feely ephemeral way, why 7 is better than 10? Please. I need this enlightenment in my life.

Have you tried writing software that works for both XP and Windows 7-current? That's their agenda behind this. Get all (or as many as possible) onto the updated platform. Windows 10 is, officially, the last version of Windows. From here on out its rolling upgrades, similar to Linux. Update Edge separate of having to

What printers are failing after upgrading to 10? I’ve found, staunchly, if it worked in 7 it worked in 10, considering 10 is just 7 with some tweaks. It's not an overhaul like XP -> Vista was. In fact, some companies put out shoddy 8/10 drivers for their hardware and the 7 version of the drivers work OOB. Though I

Forcing people is the only way.

If you're running an enterprise level version of the software it should be in the hands of your IT department. However, you did say hospital and I've heard bad bad, inept, and terribad things about hospital policies surrounding IT.

Because way too many people hold onto the old as long as possible and it really holds us all back. People are still on XP despite it being no longer supported. People are cheap, obstinate, and for the vast majority fearful of change and lacking the resilience to cope with said change. They can barely manage their

And only penguins... and a vast collection of games and software with interfaces straight out of the early 90's. I like Linux, but it still isn't the OS of the future (yet.) That's why the year of the Linux has never happened.

Considering 8 really was just an upgraded version of 7 with the new start screen and 10 is just an upgraded 8, you're only hurting yourself by staying on 7. But I get it, you're obstinate.

On 8.1 but won't upgrade to 10? That's definitely cutting your nose off to spite your own face. Good luck with that.

Did XIII-2 break away from the linear elements of XIII? Because that's one reason why I stopped playing XIII before I got even 10-15 hours into the game. My stupid ass likes running around in circles, grinding out XP until I'm level 99 before World of Ruin (hyperbole - but you feel me?)

Tabata, you do you, bro. My idea of what a FF game should be may be trapped in the past - outdated, even. But I ain't mad! I just don't buy FF games, anymore. I think the series came to a rest at X-2. Now if you start up any games like those old ones, I might have some money to spend on it. ;) But you know what? It's

Editorial Standards and Gawker mix like oil and water.

Help me understand your reasoning, then. You said no one ‘gits gud.’ They either cheat or hack. I brought up someone who obviously is good. AH, I see now. The construction of your first comment made it sound like no one had any talent; however you were implying the majority of people never attempt to get good at the