MGLS - FuckItAll℞ Part 1


What I don't get is why does it have to be the torch? Why can't a pyroflame work? Why can't casting great chaos fireball and rolling in the lava work? Nooo, has to be the torch. Heh.

Jeeze, this synced up with The Power by Snap! a little too well.

This is to consoles what Batman AK was to PCs. So so terrible. For the record, it is a fun PC game.

Bless your heart, you think you're clever! =)

Just can't let the Major go, can you?

Go tell Jesus to get off his high cross already. I didn't ask him to sacrifice jack shit. =)

You probably say literally when you mean figuratively, too.

cult (kŭlt)

You're the second person, back to back no less, to use fearmongering in their post. How much are you being paid by HTC?

We'll never stop imposing our cultural values on others. Those values may shift but we'll never stop being the villain or 'hero' to others. White people, including myself, truly excel at telling other people how to live their lives.

If the majority of women didn’t care about an issue enough to be outraged and you acted all outraged as a man, you would be tilting at windmills, and in a sexist way at that. You don’t get to tell other groups of people what they should be outraged at.

Irrelevant purely because you wish it to be, not because of any fact or proof on your part.

Put me down for the I don't give a fuck portion of the survey.

And now he's dead, so he's paid for his crime against humanity.

Waking up before the alarm means I went to bed relatively on time on a consistent basis. Such would be the life...

I really want to believe this individual, and others that believe in things like how the Holocaust never happened, create these crazy theories because they can't mentally process the horrible tragedy. It's almost a compassionate denial - if it weren't for their hateful rhetoric they spew at others because of it.

That's high road talk, right there! Ain't nobody got time for that!

I wish I could wake up three minutes before the alarm. :(

I can get Blenheim up in the Midwest. I go for the pink top version. It's harsh as fuck and I LIKE IT.