MGLS - FuckItAll℞ Part 1

I’m on your side, for the most part, so don’t think I’m attack you. You are, though, splitting hair when you try to say misogyny / misandry only qualifies when there is an organized systemic discrimination. The root of both terms is simply a hatred against all of a sex.

Their family doesn't miss them and they have no friends. I.e. why they turn to the Internet and harass strangers to vent their "my step-father beats me when he drinks" anger.

It's interesting because some running an almost identical setup of me are having issues while I'm having a flawless experience.

Yeah, the Titan's long in the tooth now. Try the Titan X if you want more bad-assery.

It shouldn't have taken this many comments to bring up dear Lara.

To expand on the idea: Perhaps it should be another already-god from somewhere else coming to Greece and curb-stomping Kratos for all the havoc that's being inflicted in other geographical regions due to his (Kratos) ascent to godhood.

Lord Almighty - We breed our own enemies with our vast racism and paranoia. I know of a certain Southwest flying lady who might deserve a good thorough scare by the FBI. Enough of a scare to qualify as a high colonic. Seriously, a taste of her own medicine.

Can you use these as "monitors" for non-VR games? Just thinking about how 'huge' the display must feel vs a monitor, regardless of its size.

I'm not a feminist. I'm an egalitarian. Does that make me an ally or the enemy?

It's also the motherfuckers who are too scared to actually play who scream "let there be blood!" If they were on the field, they'd be screaming for a safer workplace. Let's see how they'd fair if their cushy office job removed all OSHA protection.

Anyone who cares SO much about Baseball to be considered a 'purist' probably should have someone dive into their knee, anyways. Being a purist usually entails "Back in my day men HIT each other as hard as they could and I liked it!" Essentially they want to watch blood sports... not regular sports, which are too

I’d much rather be able to play a game differently each time DLC drops than simply doing the same shit at a slightly different level. Take a look at Chrono Trigger, for example. Beat the game and get New Game+. But this time, it’s a little different. You can take on Lavos a little sooner and get a different ending.

As an after thought, and because I can't edit my Kinja comments into paragraphs because KINJA SUCKS DONKEY NUTS: You can tell when a game, no matter how neat or unique its IP is at the beginning, has become a "we need to generate more revenue from your game to make our shareholders happy. So just churn out more of the

We need to get off this level treadmill we’re on with these type of games. I don’t know what the solution is, yet, but we need something that respects our time input. I don’t care if its Destiny, The Division, or any other game DLC out there. Maybe let us remix abilities or do something different than “OKAY! Here’s a

I hope it's just your router giving you fits.

All people have problems and all problems need solutions, therefore all people need solutions. We are solutions, you are people, and you need us.

Have you unplugged your router from your network and plugged your device directly to the modem? I won't even ask if you've rebooted everything. :p

My my my, you’re dealing with some deep personal psychological issues here. Your level of condescension and judging is over 9,000!

Once a hoe, always a hoe.

Me neither and I've watched the damned movie six times.